2013年5月13日 星期一

【全新起飛 同心共贏】2013 BenQ China商超五一動員訓 (BenQ China’s superstore sales mobilization)

4月23日,BenQ China終端品牌推手相聚於此,為了一個共同的目標,為了完成那個承諾,我們調整好狀態,再出發!通過這次動員訓,帶給導購的是對明基品牌的信任,對明基產品DSC&PC的信心,走出去對顧客熱情的搭訕式服務和專業的產品銷售介紹!感謝所有BenQer熱情、認真、專業、全情地付出與參與!

On 23 April, BenQ China gathered together promoters of the consumer brand for strive for a shared objective. To fulfill our commitment to the brand, we prepared ourselves thoroughly to begin a new push. A part of this push was this employee training activity, where sales promotion was made an extension of our belief in the BenQ brand, and our confidence in BenQ’s digital camera and PC products. We proactively sought out customers at 3C superstores to provide eager service and expert product introductions. Thank you to all BenQers for their passion, conscientiousness, and professionalism—and their wholehearted commitment and enthusiastic participation.

