五月溫馨母親節到來,BenQ為美麗、偉大的母親們致上最誠摯的感謝,推出「BenQ寵愛媽咪最貼心- 打開幸福大視界」無論是紀錄美好歲月的長焦相機、為生活打開視野的智慧液晶與行動/家庭劇院投影機、或是健康護眼的液晶顯示器,在這個特別的日子裡,讓BenQ與妳一起表達對母親無盡的感謝與最真摯的祝福。
To celebrate Mother’s Day and give thanks to mothers, BenQ held a drawing for a 50” large-screen flat-panel television. Eligible for the drawing were purchasers of BenQ’s high-zoom cameras, perfect for preserving life’s best moments with mom; Smart LED televisions and mobile/home theater projectors that open up new opportunities for visual enjoyment; and LCD monitors with eye-protecting features. On this special day, BenQ joined everyone in expressing boundless gratitude to mothers and our sincerest best wishes.