BenQ XL2420T 和 EW2430V顯示器在印度獲得Digit Test Centre評為2012最佳顯示器,此外,VW2230H也在馬來西亞獲獎。
In India, the XL2420T and EW2430V received Zero1 Award by Digit Test Centre, naming the best monitor performers in the year 2012. The gaming-specialised features like black eQualizer, S-switch and amazing picture quality are the key winning the awards.
The VW2230H has won 2 awards in Malaysia in April. One is the “silver award” from HWM and the other is “recommended” by Chip magazine. Both awards highlighted VW2230H’s great image performance incorporated with a chic and sleek design. Thus it is perfect to install VW2230H in an office or home environment for its fascinating appearance and excellent functionality.