2013年5月13日 星期一
保護眼睛 橫掃閃屏 2013明基新品不閃屏培訓會山西站 (BenQ China’s training session series on its new flicker-free monitors arrives in Shanxi Province)
2013年5月6日,龍城太原市,「保護眼睛 橫掃閃屏」2013明基不閃屏新品培訓會順利召開。 會議報告部分針對BenQ品牌、產品新策略、產品賣點及銷售思路的等方面進行了精彩分享;會議現場也針對各系列顯示器進行了情景區佈置與擺樣,豐富多彩的展示吸引了不少代理商駐足。
On 6 May, BenQ’s training workshop for our new flicker-free monitor models took place in the city of Taiyuan, China. The workshop’s report section focused on the BenQ brand, new product strategy, product selling points, and marketing ideas. Also at the workshop were demo units shown in likely usage scenarios, the lively presentation attracting the notice of representatives from numerous resellers.
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