2013年5月13日 星期一
BenQ China同仁參加蘇州環金雞湖國際半程馬拉松 (BenQ China colleagues take part in Suzhou marathon event)
超越空間、跨越距離,2013/4/14,蘇州環金雞湖國際半程馬拉松盛大舉行, BenQer成功挑戰自我!本次比賽BQC與Guru共計32人參賽,半程13人,迷你19人,大家都盡情享受了這次比賽,對我們大多數人來說參與比競技更加重要!賽前準備的歡快,過程中的艱苦,賽後的渾身酸痛,但我們在人生道路中都留下了精彩的一頁!BenQer,好樣的,我們是最棒的!
On 14 April, Suzhou’s half marathon event took place, and BenQers were among those who took up the challenge successfully. For this edition of the race, 32 colleagues from BenQ China and BenQ Guru entered, 13 running the half marathon course and 19 opting for the mini marathon course. Everyone enjoyed the event to the fullest, and for most of us, simply participating was more important than any competitive aspect. Preparations before the race were fun, and while the run was arduous and the aching afterward quite genuine, the experience was a memorable one in our lives. BenQers, we are the best!
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