2013年1月9日 星期三
明基逐鹿攜手HR Bar共同舉行北京HR管理交流會 (BenQ Guru joins HR bar to jointly hold human resources event in Beijing)
2012年12月27日,明基逐鹿攜手HR Bar人力資源學院,於北京海澱麗亭華苑酒店舉辦人力資源活動 “如何做好年度人力資源規劃” 交流會。來自北京各行業的人資管理界朋友齊聚一堂,明基逐鹿的HR資訊化專家趙環宇先生及HR Bar執行董事劉建華先生,與嘉賓就當前環境的年度人力資源規劃為主題進行交流;明基逐鹿分享人力資源資訊化結合實務與理論的全方位應用,協助企業人資單位事半功倍的執行政策,贏得現場嘉賓一致好評,HR夥伴們在此次交流會中吸收最新資訊且意猶未盡,活動在熱烈的掌聲中落下圓滿的帷幕。
On 27 December, BenQ Guru joined with human resources institute HR Bar to organize a workshop in Beijing with the theme “How to create an effective annual human resources plan”. Human resource professionals from various industries gathered for the event, where BenQ Guru’s human resource data digitalization (eHR) expert Zhao Huan-yu and HR Bar Executive Chairman Liu Jian-hua led discussion with attendees about yearly human resource planning in the current environment. BenQ Guru shared know-how about comprehensive application of eHR practice and theory, helping corporate HR departments to make the most of their operational policies. Zhao’s presentation won unanimous praise from attendees, with the event giving HR professionals the latest information and ending perfectly with a boisterous round of applause.
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