2013年1月9日 星期三

BenQ GP10 家的投影機「一起篇」電視廣告首播! (“Together” TV commercial for GP10 home projector gets first airing)

BenQ推出GP10 LED投影機,整合「行動投影」、「影音享受一次到位」、「不用複雜接線」、「簡單操作」概念,企圖引領家庭投影娛樂的生活型態,開創投影機家電化的消費者求。GP10電視廣告於12/21播出,主打以注重家人情感的老婆或媽媽為溝通對象,以情感訴求詮釋媽媽很愛全家人在一起的感覺,進而溝通GP10產品特色能夠幫助媽媽為家人情感增溫,請同仁密切留意與支持!

BenQ introduced the GP10 LED projector, which integrates the concepts of “mobile projection”, “comprehensive access to media”, “freedom from cable clutter”, and “ease of operation”—all with the aim of facilitating a home entertainment lifestyle enabled by a projector. The GP10’s television commercial aired first on 21 December, with a message targeted at wives and mothers. The ad’s emotional appeal drew on mothers’ love of the feeling of family togetherness, using this scenario to communicate GP10 features that help bring family members closer together. Watch for this commercial, and give your support!

