位於新竹縣北埔鄉的「麻布山林」,是明基友達集團的員工教育訓練園區,擁有豐富的台灣原生樹種以及自然生態。為了延續麻布山林內充滿綠意、講求自然簡約的環境,園區內訓練中心擴建專案,採用BenQ LED照明系列產品,在傳達簡約節能訴求中,還能提供自然光色及漂亮光型,融入在整體氛圍中,讓綠意與LED照明有完美的結合,給學員自然無拘的學習體驗。
BenQ recently expanded its Mabu Ville exclusive education and training facility located in Beipu, Hsinchu County. The new training building is designed and built with a special selection of BenQ Lighting products to meet the natural green environment of Mabu Ville and the eco-friendly, simplistic design of the facility. Every lighting fixture implemented was exquisitely designed to bring out the sophistication of the interiors with professional light shape and beautiful color, creating a unique experience for visitors.