2013年1月9日 星期三

BenQ 拉丁美洲業務區聖誕節員工活動 ( BenQ ROLA activities in December)

BenQ 拉丁美洲業務區聖誕節舉行員工活動,包括拉丁美洲辦公室、巴西辦公室均舉行溫馨聚餐,在墨西哥則以戶外極限活動凝聚團隊

  • BQla Christmas Lunch 2012
    We gathered for lunch in a great restaurant where we had a good time and tons of funny pictures. There was a gift exchange and gift cards were given away. 
  • BQbr Christmas Lunch and dinner 2012 
  • BQmx Christmas outdoors activity 2012 

