2013年1月9日 星期三

BenQ產品斬獲中國PConline年終評選四項大獎 (BenQ products four major awards on China’s PConline)

為期一個半月的PConline年終評選終於圓滿落下帷幕,BenQ產品收穫頗豐,各產品均斬獲大獎! LCD GW2750HM更在網友票選中,以1491票得到第一,獲得網友最喜愛獎!

After a month-and-a-half, the selection process of PConline’s year-end awards concluded, and BenQ products were winners of major prizes. The GW2750HM took first place in an online user poll with 1491 votes, winning it the user’s favorite award.

