2013年1月9日 星期三

BenQ全新27英寸“不閃屏”液晶 1899元中國京東重磅首發 (BenQ’s all-new 27” flicker-free LCD monitor launches on China’s 360buy.com for RMB1899)

BenQ黑銳麗家族重磅推不閃屏顯示器GW2760H!27英寸超窄邊框,擁有領先業界的最新 “不閃屏”技術,絕非簡單的小升級。就如同Google Glass一樣,不閃屏顯示器GW2760HS,給使用者帶來革命性的視覺健康保護及使用體驗的提升。2013年,這款顯示器現已在京東首發,搶鮮價1899元,作為一款高品質、不閃爍、超窄邊框、專為筆記本外接而生的27英寸液晶來說,這個價位足以完爆各品牌的屌絲液晶。

BenQ’s new flicker-free GW2760HS VA-LCD monitor has arrived! The 27” display features an extra-narrow bezel, and new industry-leading “flicker-free” technology, making it much than a simple minor upgrade. Like Google Glass, the GW2760HS gives users a revolutionary enhancement in vision protection and viewing experience. This new monitor has already launched on leading shopping site 360buy.com for the eye-catching price of RMB1899. As a high-quality, flicker-free, narrow-bezel 27” LCD monitor designed expressly as an external monitor for notebook PCs, this pricing is enough to steal the thunder from other brands.

