2013年1月9日 星期三
花開遍地 同享富貴——2012浙江台州創騰核心管道夥伴年會 (Annual meeting for key channel partners in Chinese port city a resounding success)
台州位於浙江省沿海中部,是中國黃金海岸線上經濟發達的港口城市, 2012年12月28日,BenQ台州一級代理商台州創騰核心管道夥伴年會在碧海雲天酒店召開,80余家代理商參加會議。BenQ攜花開富貴&Candy盛裝登場,豔驚四座。因為是年會,所以會議現場沒有安排訂貨,但是會議結束的第二天,捷報頻傳!
Taizhou in China’s Zhejiang Province is a prosperous port city located on China’s “Gold Coast”. On 28 December 2012, an annual meeting BenQ’s first-tier distributors in Taizhou was held at Bihaiyuntian Business Hotel, with more than 80 distributors participating. BenQ brought its designer PCs to the event, garnering an excited response from attendees. Due to the nature of the meeting, product orders were not taken at the venue, but a number of orders were received the very next day.
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