2013年11月14日 星期四

BenQ專業繪圖顯示器助陣 歐特克大師匯 (BenQ professional monitors for graphics pros launch)

11月5日,歐特克AU中國「大師匯」于北京國際會議中心盛大揭幕。國內外與「設計」相關各應用行業領導者及著名企業的設計大師將齊聚一堂。BenQ作為本次行業盛會合作夥伴,同時也是世界領先的專業顯示裝置供應商,特別提供全球首款專為CAD/CAM應用量身定制的BenQ BL2710專業繪圖顯示器,助陣歐特克共同綻放「智繪」魅力。

On 5 November, the Autodesk University China conference for 2013 took place in Beijing. Business leaders from design-related industries and designers from top companies from both inside and outside China gathered for the event. As one of the sponsors of the event, as well as a world-leading supplier of professional display devices, BenQ provided the BL2710 monitor—the world’s first monitor designed exclusively for CAD/CAM applications—for use during the conference and to spotlight its graphical prowess.

