2013年11月14日 星期四

BenQ 雷射投影機 / 實物投影機榮獲台灣綠色典範獎 (BenQ’s laser projector and opaque projector win Taiwan Green Classics Award)

BenQ 推動 CSR 力行節能減碳,由內而外不僅在所有同仁日常生活中來落實,更關注顧客服務,利用產品傳達我們不同於其他科技品牌的獨特樂活觀念與品牌價值。BenQ 全系列產品都是俱備節能減碳概念的綠色產品。在 10/29 日經濟部頒發的「第三屆台灣綠色典範獎」,共有 LX(W) 系列雷射光源投影機及 S30 實物投影機等兩項產品,獲得綠色典範獎殊榮。

BenQ is promoting a CSR program to conserve energy and reduce carbon footprints. As we extend this program from inside BenQ to outside it, not only are colleagues putting its principles into practice in their daily lives, but we are giving the customer service aspect greater attention, using products to communicate how our “green” lifestyle concepts and brand values set us apart from other technology brands. All of BenQ’s product series incorporate power conservation and reduced carbon footprint concepts, and on 29 October, BenQ tallied two wins at the 3rd Taiwan Green Classics Awards organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs—one for the LX(W) series laser projectors and the other for the S30 opaque projector.

