2013年11月14日 星期四

BenQ攜手愛色麗開發調色大師軟體 PG2401色准顯示器再添軟實力 (BenQ enhances PG2401 monitor with professional color calibration software)

BenQ PG2401色准顯示器自上市發佈以來,出色的硬實力引發不少業內人士的關注。PG2401廣色域色准顯示器通過G7、Fogra等多項符合國際ISO標準的印刷業色彩認證,覆蓋100% CMYK與99% Adobe RGB色彩空間,並搭載14位3D LUT優化處理技術,Delta E色彩精度平均測量值≤2,還提供獨家亮度致勻特色功能,將是藝術、影像、設計、製版等領域專業工作者輕鬆降服印前軟打樣的神器,而更令它如虎添翼的是,BenQ還攜手全球色彩科學技術領導者愛色麗,合作開發Palette Master(調色大師)軟體,使BenQ PG2401成為硬體+軟體都表現出色的一體化解決方案。

Since BenQ’s PG2401 color-calibrated monitor was introduced, its outstanding hardware performance has gained considerable attention from industry insiders. The PG2401’s wide color gamut, which covers the entire CMYK color space and 99% of the Adobe RGB color space, has enabled it to achieve international print industry standards certifications, including G7 and Fogra. Moreover, the PG2401 includes 14 3DLUT-optimized process technologies, and delivers an average DeltaE color precision test value of ≤2. Furthermore, the PG2401’s exclusive color consistency feature makes it a powerful tool for art, video, design, and platemaking professionals who wish to perform prepress color proofing right on their monitors. Adding to the new monitor’s formidable appeal is the PaletteMaster software, the product of BenQ’s collaboration with the world’s leading color technology leader X-Rite. The combination of incredible hardware and powerful software makes BenQ’s PG2401 a best-of-class all-in-one professional display solution.

