2013年11月12日 星期二

BenQ家的投影機 投你所愛 GP20 700流明高亮短焦LED影音娛樂行動投影機上市 (BenQ’s GP20 home projector with multimedia features launches)

BenQ投影機GP系列將簡單操作、影音娛樂一體概念融入行動投影上,引領家用及個人娛樂投影的生活型態,再推出進階機種GP20 700流明高亮短焦LED影音娛樂行動投影機,內建700流明高亮LED投影光源及WXGA(1280 x 800)解析度,支援無線傳輸投影、MHL手機投影、USB隨插即播等多媒體格式,搭配內建式6W SRS立體聲多媒體喇叭及選配擴充式DVD播放器,不必複雜接線就能讓影音享受一次到位!同時,BenQ GP20高亮短焦LED投影機的輕量化設計,重量僅有1.5公斤,面積比A4還要小的精巧設計,打破安裝複雜的既有思維,讓移動更加隨心所欲。此外,1公尺就能享受40吋高畫質大畫面的短焦投影,不再受限於空間需求,彈指間就可把家裡每個房間變成一家人歡樂分享的影音娛樂中心,隨時隨處讓你與家人享受美好的家庭時光!

BenQ’s GP series are mobile projectors that offer simple operation and integrated multimedia features, showing the way to lifestyles enhanced with new projector-enabled family and personal entertainment options. Now BenQ is adding the advanced GP20 to the series. The GP20 is a short-throw mobile projector with a 700-lumen LED projection lamp and providing WXGA (1280x800) resolution. The GP20 also supports multimedia playback via wireless connections, MHL phone projection, and USB plug-and-play projection. With its built-in 6W SRS 3D-sound multimedia speakers and optional DVD player add-on, the GP20 lets you enjoy all your digital entertainment options without the hassle of connecting cables. Moreover, the the GP20 was designed for reduced weight and bulk, coming in at a mere 1.5 kilograms and having a footprint smaller than a sheet of A4 paper. The GP20 also does away with complex setup, making projector-enhanced mobile lifestyles that much more accessible and easy to manage. The GP20’s advanced short-throw projection technology enables it to display an expansive high-definition 40” image from a mere one meter distance. Users can free themselves of the restrictions of limited space, turning even a small room in the home into a luxury multimedia entertainment center where the whole family can enjoy time together.

