2013年11月14日 星期四

BenQ XL2411在丹麥獲好評 (XL2411T good review in BT online in Denmark)

BenQ XL2411在丹麥BT online網站評測中,以合理的價格區間與各種符合電競玩家需求的功能脫穎而出獲得好評。

Media: BT
Country: Denmark
Date: 25th of September
Link: http://www.bt.dk/digital/her-er-skaermen-der-er-lavet-til-skydespil

Conclusion: Stand alone test of XL2411T scoring 6 out of 6. "When we check the price of some 2000 crowns, which is a fairly reasonable price range for a 24 "120Hz LED screen, there is no doubt that the BenQ XL2411T, with its many additional features, must have a high ranking on the list of priorities when hardware needs to be upgraded".

