BenQ 持續關注全球電競發展,在台灣,除了推出為玩家而生的專業電競螢幕,更贊助各類電競活動,本次贊助由TeSL舉辦的六都電競大賽,以國際級的規格,以地區性成立專業戰隊做一競賽,BenQ全力協助,讓菁英選手能夠使用到真正為其量身打造的液晶顯示器,讓技巧得以完全發揮,超越自我更上一層樓。
BenQ continues to pay close attention to the development of the global gaming scene. In Taiwan, besides launching professional gaming monitors designed specifically for gamers, we are sponsoring various types of gaming events. In our latest move, we sponsored a tournament organized by TeSL, the Taiwan e-Sports League. Adopting international-level specifications, the matches features teams organized by region. BenQ is lending its full support to enable elite gamers to play to their fullest potential and take their skills to the next higher level through LCD monitors specifically created for gaming matchplay.