2015年12月9日 星期三

人山人海的BenQ電競館漯河店開業 (Packed crowds greet opening of new BenQ e-sports venue in Luohe)


開業當天,BenQ 電競館內舉辦了LOL聯賽,同時還準備了Cosplay秀、有獎競猜等豐富的活動,吸引了眾多玩家前來。

On November 28, BenQ officially opened our e-sports center in the city of Luohe, China. This venue is located on Renmin Road in the city's downtown shopping district. The outstanding location adds to the fact that it is currently the best appointed e-sports venue in the entire city. The center uses a spaceship theme for its decor, and the equipment inside is professional gaming-class, giving gamers the experience of a world-class e-sports match when they play.

On opening day, BenQ held a League of Legends tournament at the center, while also arranging a cosplay show, game shows, and other fun events to attract gamers.

