2015年12月9日 星期三
BenQ 色准投影機W3000打造家庭影院盛宴 (BenQ's precision-color W3000 projector tempts those looking to set up home theaters)
面對國內私人影院、影咖潮流興起的趨勢,BenQ 適時推出色准投影W3000,助力家庭影院解決方案。W3000採用Rec.709國際色彩標準、6倍速6段色輪、兼具CinemaMaster影音增強技術,擁有更好的鏡頭縮放比和更廣的鏡頭位移範圍等功能、經過ISFccc專業認證,家庭影院工程師+品質安全認證雙保險,打造家庭影院盛宴。
With the popularity of home theaters growing rapidly in China, BenQ's launch of the precision-color W3000 projector is particularly timely. Perfect for home theater use, the W3000 adopts the Rec.709 international standard for high-definition color reproduction. It also incorporates a 6x-speed six-segment color wheel and CinemaMaster audio and video enhancement technology. In addition, the W3000 offers features such as increased zoom ratios and a wider range of lens shifting. With its ISFccc professional certification, along with the twin guarantees provided by additional product quality and safety certifications, the W3000 is truly the best choice for those looking for a cinema-like viewing experience right in the comfort of their own living rooms.
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