2015年12月14日 星期一

政府節能補助BenQ大型液晶全系列,現在買再多賺2000元! (Government's energy conservation subsidies help consumers save NTD2000 on BenQ large-screen flat-panel TV)

符合政府補助標準的BenQ節能大型液晶 AW、AH、GW、IH、RU、RH全系列機種,給您從32型到65型的多樣選擇,現在買不但有員購優惠價,還可申請政府補助2,000元,早買早享受!節能補助申請流程:http://www.energylabel.org.tw/104buy2000/flow/index.asp

BenQ's AW, AH, GW, IH, RU, and RH series power-saving large-screen flat-panel TVs all satisfy the criteria for the Taiwanese government's energy conservation subsidy program. We are providing a variety of choices from 32" screens to 65" screens, and if you buy now, not only is there an employee discount, but you can also apply for an NTD2000 subsidy. The sooner you buy, the sooner the fun can begin. Instructions for applying to the energy conservation subsidy program can be found at http://www.energylabel.org.tw/104buy2000/flow/index.asp

