2015年12月14日 星期一

BenQ導演機W2000、W3000在韓國上市 (Korea – W2000, W3000 Launch event)


BenQ Korea conducted the new home PRJ W2000 launch event  on 8th of Dec. Total 66  attendees includes media, retailer and distributor to join the event.  43 media clippings were generated so far and more will come.  BQkr team well deliver the key message through the presentation and side by side comparison between W2000 vs. PG monitor vs. Epson unit TW6600W., the live demo well showcase  the color accuracy of W2000. They also invited the key opinion leader Prof. Howard Ki as guest speaker and shared his point of view about Rec.709 color standard and got his endorsement as “It’s DLP strikes back!” due to W2000’s excellent and accuracy color performance. Read full article from : http://colormgmt.com/220560779972

A video media coverage can see the PR event environment:

