2015年3月16日 星期一
G2F晚美自拍機 薄荷綠新色登場 玩美自拍看片答題活動人氣夯 (Mint-green edition of G2F self-portrait camera debuts with accompanying promotion)
G2F晚美自拍機再推出薄荷綠新款! 清新甜美又不失獨特的色調,另女孩兒怦然心動,搭配廣受消費者好評的6段18種美顏模式、夜自拍蘋果光功能、270度翻轉螢幕,絕對是自拍的完勝單品。2/18-2/23寒假春節期間,特別邀請日系人氣部落客 "小草" ,化身G2F玩美自拍特派員,走訪超夯的下午茶café,親自分享薄荷綠影音試用報告,影片內含有獎徵答及可愛的場景,緊緊抓住女孩們目光。
A new mint-green edition of BenQ’s G2F self-portrait camera has debuted. The refreshing color scheme, intended to appeal to young women especially, along with 18 face-beautifying modes in six categories that have been enthusiastically received by consumers, a low-light beautifying feature, and a 270° swivel screen make the G2F the ultimate self-portrait photography device. From 18 to 23 February, during the Chinese New Year holidays, we invited a popular blogger to serve as product ambassador for the G2F camera. She visited afternoon tea spots that are currently in vogue, sharing video reports on her use of the new mint-green edition of the camera. The video included prize drawings and appealing scenes, capturing the attention of female viewers in particular.
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