2015年3月16日 星期一
BenQ低藍光曲面大型液晶 上市網路耕耘有收穫 (BenQ low blue light large curved-screen flat-panel TV benefits from online efforts)
BenQ低藍光曲面大型液晶去年底上市,不僅在業界又掀起一股曲面的熱潮,透過不斷的在數位環境上耕耘,成功從競爭對手三星手上搶下Google搜尋結果前2頁中的4則,讓消費者在尋找曲面電視時可以輕鬆獲取BenQ 55RU600最佳視感曲面的相關訊息,進而製造更多購買接觸點。
BenQ's low blue light large curved screen flat-panel TV launched late last year, sparking the rising popularity of curved screens. Boosting the momentum is the fact that our digital media efforts have been paying off, as we successfully took four spots from rival Samsung on the first two pages of Google search results for “curved screen television” in Chinese. This increased prominence enables consumers searching for information about curved-screen televisions to more readily discover the ideal viewing experience provided by the BenQ 55RU600's curved screen, creating more chances for consumers to understand the product and consider a purchase.
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