2015年3月16日 星期一
BenQ護眼液晶顯示器全國第一屏榮獲雙認證 (BenQ’s Eye-care monitor the country’s first to achieve dual certifications)
全國第一榮獲德國萊因認證的護眼液晶螢幕-BenQ ,前進大各商圈舉辦通路活動,藉由面對面的主動出擊,讓消費者了解市面上主打護眼的螢幕雖然多,但只有BenQ護眼螢幕是真正獲得最講求品質的德國機構認證,健康有保障,保護雙眼更安心。
BenQ’s is the country's first eye-protective monitor to achieve Germany’s TÜV Rheinland certification. We held a series of channel events in major shopping districts spotlighting our Eye-care monitors, using the opportunities for face-to-face interaction with consumers to directly communicate our message. Consumers were able to learn that although there are numerous vendors that highlight eye-protective screens on their products, only BenQ's Eye-care monitors have actually received certification from TÜV Rheinland, known for its stringent demand for product quality. Users can thereby rest assured that the health of their eyes is protected when using a BenQ monitor.
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