2015年3月12日 星期四

BenQ China 1-2月投影機網路推廣總結 (A look back at BenQ China's online promotions for projectors in January and February)

2015年伊始,媒體文章以年底導購為主;論壇部分除根據熱門話題和影視劇的炒作植入內容外,情人節前後利用臺北微電影《愛很簡單 從投開始》為素材,在視頻網站和各大論壇情感板塊做重點傳播,從紙婚、糖婚和錫婚的真實情感問題出發,打動觀眾,引發共鳴。

BenQ Chinai700智慧投影評測 側投功能有較強實用性
騰訊網 http://digi.tech.qq.com/a/20150216/008849.htm
2015開年巨作 23款機械鍵盤年度橫評
驅動之家 http://news.mydrivers.com/1/386/386622.htm

堆硬體過時?BenQ China27吋電競優化液晶首測
中關村線上 http://lcd.zol.com.cn/505/5057921.html

Beginning the year, industry media was largely dominated by annual buying guides. As for online discussion forums, besides the embedding of content designed to draw on the buzz surrounding hot topics of conversation and popular TV shows, we took advantage of the short films produced by BenQ Taiwan, providing exposure through video sites and major relationships-oriented discussion forums. We drew on the films’ exploration of marital issues, hoping the films would resonate with the public and evoke an emotional response.

