2015年3月16日 星期一
BenQ Solar參與日本國際太陽光電展 住宅型市場解決方案為現場亮點 (BenQ Solar Presented High Performance Residential Solutions at PV EXPO 2015)
友達光電太陽能品牌BenQ Solar今年再度參加日本年度最大業界盛會 – 日本國際太陽能光電展(PV EXPO 2015, Feb. 25~27),以展示高效能之太陽能解決方案。在今年的展出中,BenQ Solar以其針對日本住宅型市場所推出的解決方案為主,包含輕量化、高效率、儲能系統三大主題。其中,全球最輕量的60-cell單晶太陽能模組─Aer PM060M01成功抓住參訪者的注意力,其較傳統型產品減少了45%的重量,可有助於降低安裝時間與成本。而EASY ROOF EVOLUTION®為一建材一體型支架方案,可讓太陽能模組系統與屋頂結合,使建築物整體設計不受影響。另外,整合性與可擴充式儲能系統產品- PowerLegato®與PowerRondo®亦引起參訪者的興趣與詢問。透過本次參展,BenQ Solar不僅得以在現場爭取潛在商機,更是再度展現了身為頂尖太陽能解決方案提供者的實力!
BenQ Solar, a division of AU Optronics, presented itself with its high performance solar solutions once again at PV EXPO 2015 (Feb. 25 ~ 27) – the largest renewable energy show in Japan. This year BenQ Solar demonstrated a variety of its advanced technologies and innovative products, focusing on solutions for the Japanese residential market including lightness, high efficiency, and energy storage. The world’s lightest 60-cell crystalline-silicon module, Aer PM060M01, impressed the visitors with its 45% lighter weight than those of its conventional counterparts that saves customers installation time and cost. EASY ROOF EVOLUTION®, a building-integrated photovoltaics mounting system, opens up a new possibility where the roof and solar system are combined and therefore the original building design can remain. In addition, the all-in-one storage system - PowerLegato® and the scalable solution - PowerRondo® aroused visitors’ great interest as well. By attending this solar event for 4 years in a row, BenQ Solar again not only generated more business opportunities but also proved its capability as a leading solar solutions provider!
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