2015年3月16日 星期一

BenQ顯示器風靡羅馬尼亞社群媒體 (LCD monitors as prize in ‘ My garage contest’ as social media campaign in Romania)

BenQ顯示器在羅馬尼亞社群媒體活動「My garage contest」中作為獎項,這個電子商務相關的活動相當受到當地消費者的喜愛,提升品牌能見度。

Social Media – “My Garage Contest” 
PC Garage - one of the largest player on the ecommerce market - organized an exclusive contest with BenQ to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the My Garage forum.
Duration: 9.-13. February 2015
Participants had to present favorite BenQ monitor
Best 3 comments won monitor

BenQ logo on the PC Garage site & forum
Facebook posts on PC Garage’s official page,
Banners on the online affiliates sites – approximately 100.
705 answers / posts = 705 participants
8,447 viewers on PC Garage forum.

