2014年11月19日 星期三

超高解析度液晶顯示器BL3201PT 全球搶先曝光 (Ultra-high resolution BL3201PT LCD monitor makes world debut)

液晶顯示器專家BenQ全新推出超高解析度旗艦液晶顯示器BL3201PT,3840 x2160(UHD) 解析度比Full HD高四倍,搭載32吋廣視角大畫面更能呈現卓越視覺品質,獨家承襲BenQ護眼科技- 低藍光、不閃屏,讓影像與眼睛健康完美結合,內建獨家Display Pilot軟體,針對經常使用影像編修的族群,能夠更專業、更細膩的感受其出色畫面

LCD monitor experts BenQ has introduced an all-new ultra-high resolution flagship LCD monitor, the BL3201PT. The 3840 x 2160 (UHD) resolution provides four times as many pixels as Full HD, and the spacious 32" screen with extra-wide viewing angles further enhances viewing experience. The BL3201PT incorporates BenQ eye-protective technology—with reduced blue light and a flicker-free panel—bringing together the finest picture quality and healthy viewing. In addition, BenQ's exclusive Display Pilot software provides sophisticated enhancements for users who work with image and video editing applications.

