2014年11月19日 星期三

BenQ 粉絲團駐站小編 明星臉部落客分享空姐生活 (Celebrity lookalike guest editor on BenQ fans blog shares scenes from her life as flight attendant)

G2F十月份駐站小編再推出特別企劃: 部落客 ""我不是程又青,我是Ivy Chao"" 擁有酷似林依晨的明星臉,她大方與BenQ粉絲分享她的空姐生活,和G2F一塊起飛!  Ivy的完美自拍照見證G2F強大美顏功能,她與超萌狗寶貝Copper的獨家影片更受熱烈好評!
超萌狗寶貝也知道看螢幕自拍?!  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152826913685152

For October, the G2F Facebook page featured a special guest editor: Ivy Chao, a blogger who works as a flight attendant and bears a striking resemblance to popular local actress/singer Ariel Lin. Ivy generously shared her life with BenQ fans as she traveled with her G2F, and her gorgeous self-shot photographs of herself testified to the G2F's powerful facial beautifying feature. An exclusive video of Ivy and dog Copper proved especially popular.
Take a look at what Ivy did at the luxury Marriott Hotel where she stayed in Kuala Lumpur.
Does a pup also know to look at the screen to take a selfie?!

