2014年11月19日 星期三
專業設計液晶顯示器,贊助AMD專業應用研討會 (BenQ sponsors seminar on high-end applications for AMD technology, with our pro monitors in the spotlight)
BenQ專業設計液晶顯示器接觸專業族群,十月份再次與與Sapphire合作之AMD專業應用研討會,現場主題鎖定AMD最新顯示卡與雲端的應用運算,出席者皆為專業工程師與數位工作者,而BenQ現場展示BL & PG,不僅將新的技術展示得淋漓盡致,讓與會者驚艷,也藉由接觸專業領域的TA 與成效展示達成宣傳效果。
BenQ's monitors for designers are gaining visibility among professionals in the field. In October, we once again joined forces with Sapphire to organize a seminar on AMD professional applications. The event spotlighted applications for AMD's newest graphics cards to an audience consisting entirely of professional engineers and digital workers. At the venue, BenQ showed our BL and PG monitors, not only compellingly demonstrating the new technology they are built with, stunning the assembled participants, but also generating effective publicity through our contacts with TAs in the professional space and the vivid demos.
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