2014年11月17日 星期一
BenQ發佈全球首台專業智慧家用投影機i700,獲各界廣泛關注 (BenQ announces world's first smart home projector)
10月21日,BenQ在北京發佈了全球首台全高清智慧專業家用投影機“新極客”i700,眾多知名家裝設計師與媒體共同見證。這是BenQ進軍智慧投影市場的開山之作,也是市場上唯一一款1080P全高清智慧專業家用投影機,旨在為用戶帶來全新All in one智慧一體化家庭娛樂方式。隨後在全國各地開展的懇談會、媒體專訪等,讓更多消費者瞭解到了這款產品的無可比擬的優勢,線上上線下引發廣泛關注。
On 21 October, BenQ announced the world's first high-resolution smart home projector, the i700, at an event in Beijing attended by a number of prominent interior designers and members of the professional media. The i700 represents BenQ entry into the smart projector market, and is also the market's only 1080p high-resolution smart home projector, offering families an all-in-one home entertainment display solution. After the event, a roundtable discussion and media interviews enabled even more consumers to gain an understanding of the unique advantages of this product, and the i700 has already gained broad attention both online and off.
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