2013年4月15日 星期一

十平米的愛:明基投影機W1080ST 體驗會上海站順利閉幕 (BenQ holds successful hands-on event for W1080ST projector in Shanghai)

3月23日,明基投影機W1080ST 體驗會上海站在專業的影音試聽室舉行。本次家庭影院鑒賞由明基與天極高清達人俱樂部聯合舉辦,共有284人報名,經過刪選,共有20名網友參與了本次體驗會。在體驗會上網友們不僅零距離體驗了全高清3D影像視聽盛宴,更對明基W1080ST這款萬元級家庭影院投影儀留下深刻印象,有人現場表達了購買意向。

BenQ’s series of hands-on events for the W1080ST came to Shanghai on 23 March, taking place at a professional audiovisual test room. The Shanghai event, designed to give consumers a chance to experience a home theater built around the W1080ST, was jointly organized with Yesky.com’s HD Club. A total of 284 people registered, and after a screening process, 20 of these people were given the opportunity to participate. During the hands-on event, participants not only had a chance to experience the visual splendor of high-resolution 3D visuals, but also an impressive demonstration of the moderately-priced W1080ST’s capabilities as the center of a home theater—so impressive, in fact, that some of the consumers in attendance immediately expressed an intent to purchase one.

