2013年4月15日 星期一

小蝸居、大視界 明基投影機「短打王4代」MS616ST中國新上市 (Small living spaces, generous views—BenQ’s MS616ST fourth-generation short-throw projector launches in China)

短焦投影受限於鏡頭解像力及成本的原因,在家用Video型投影機市場一直沒有運用短焦技術的產品。不過,隨著投影機市場的不斷細化,這個僵局已經被打破——近日,全球DLP投影機領導品牌明基BenQ推出一系列面對家用/個人娛樂市場短焦投影機MS616ST、W770ST、W1080ST,涵蓋SVGA/720P/1080P三檔解析度,分別定位于初階入門/主流性價比/中高階1080P 三個檔次,方便不同預算的消費者選購。

Owing to issues with the resolving power of lenses and the relatively high cost of short-throw projectors, short-throw projection technology has not played a significant role in the video-centric home projector market. However, as the projector market becomes ever more segmented, this stalemate has been broken. Recently, BenQ—the world’s leading DLP projector brand—has introduced a series of short-throw projector models for the home and individual-user entertainment market. The MS616ST, W770ST, and W1080ST support SVGA, 720p, and 1080p resolutions, respectively targeting the entry-level, mainstream price/performance, and high-end segments, making it easy for consumers to select the right model for their budgets.

