2013年4月15日 星期一

BenQ參加挪威Gathering電競活動 (BenQ participated The Gathering lan party in Norway)


The Gathering (TG), Norway’s largest computer party, has been held in Vikingskipet Olympic Arena, Hamar from March 27th – 31st . TG has around 5000 participants and attracts growing interest, both nationally and internationally.

Key Features
  • No E-sport at TG 2013, only LAN event.
  • 1500 LAN participants
  • Booth with XL monitors
  • BenQ involvement via Komplett and the official organization.
  • Very good penetration among participants at TG. Varoius of BenQ models but mostly XL series. I belive BenQ had the highest pentration regarding monitors at TG!

