2013年4月8日 星期一
極速快感為玩家而生 BenQ專業電競液晶顯示器全面升級 (Made for gamers in love with high-speed thrills—BenQ’s LCD-based gaming monitor see upgrades across the board)
抱持『電競就在細節』(Gaming Is In the Details)研發理念、連續獲世界級電競聯賽IEM及MLG*指定機種的BenQ電競顯示器功能再升級!全新一代BenQ電競顯示器XL及RL系列升級搭載超快反應時間1毫秒(ms),讓經常決戰於0.01秒的玩家們能享受更流暢無殘影的完美遊戲畫面。同時,電競旗艦款XL系列的尺寸選擇從既有的22及24吋,再推出更大尺寸的27吋XL2720T,24吋的XL2420T亦推出搭載144Hz極速版,畫面表現更流暢,讓專業玩家在競爭激烈的各式電競賽事中,透過BenQ專業電競顯示器精準細節的畫面表現一較高下。
Remaining true to the “gaming is in the details” development philosophy of the series, and following their designation by the world-class IEM and MLG gaming leagues as official match equipment, BenQ’s gaming monitor series is seeing new functional upgrades. The all-new next-generation XL and RL series gaming monitors now boast ultra-fast 1-millisecond response times, providing an extra speed boost for demanding gamers, for whom the difference between victory and defeat can be measured in milliseconds. At the same time, the screen size choices in the flagship XL series—which had been 22” and 24”—have now been expanded to include the even bigger 27” XL2720T. The 24” XL2420T has also been upgraded to a new 144Hz version, for even more fluid video. The precision detail and flawless video provided by the new lineup of BenQ’s professional gaming monitors gives expert gamers an extra edge, allowing them to demonstrate the full extent of their skills.
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