Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

Knowing BenQ

Global news about BenQ product, staff activities, corporate culture and marketing activities

Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

2013年4月15日 星期一

BenQ在北美贊助MLG電競比賽 (BenQ’s MLG Sponsorship)


BenQ’s MLG Sponsorship making gains in BenQ awareness and purchasing
  • Familiarity with BenQ brand nearly doubled
  • “Likely to Buy” up to 53%
MLG Dallas March 15-17, 2013

  • Largest audience to date for MLG
  • Great energy around launch of new RL console monitor
  • 12 pre-orders for the XL2720T
  • 50 pre-orders for the RL2255HM
  • BenQ FB likes increased 500+ in 2 weeks
  • Online contest by HQ drove traffic
  • Weekend traffic during event kept visitors up  

BenQ America 曝光統計 (BenQ America News and Reviews)

與去年同期10篇媒體露出相比,2013 Q1 BenQ在美加共有193篇媒體曝光

  • Compared to 10 in 1Q12, BenQ’ve had 193 editorials in 1Q13
  • HomeTheater highest vertical, W1070 leading the way

BenQ參加丹麥電競活動 (Copenhagen Games gaming event in Denmark)


Copenhagen Games is one of the largest eSports events in the Nordic region. Gaming competition: CS:GO and LoL. The event attracts more than 5000 visitors over 4 days. Held from March 27th – 31st.

Key Features

  • E-sport
    • 73 CS:GO teams, BenQ: Nip (winners) and Mousesports
    • 17 LoL teams in ROCCAT BenQ LoL tournnament
    • 1000 E-sports participants during the event.
    • Over 500 spectators at the venue
    • All tournaments was streamed over internet and was watched by hundreds of thousands gamers!

  • XL monitors
    • Well covered in whole CG area, No 1 Monitor brand is BenQ
    • Even teams with other brand sponsors had BenQ XL monitors
    • All finals was played on BenQ XL2420T (set final table)
    • Players for CS:GO Who rented space got XL monitor.

  • BenQ involvement
    • Sponsor of Roccat BenQ LoL Tournament
    • Two BenQ teams participated in CS:GO tournament:
    • NiP (Bqse) and Mousesports (Bqde?)
    • Monitor supplyer to Komplett Booth

BenQ參加挪威Gathering電競活動 (BenQ participated The Gathering lan party in Norway)


The Gathering (TG), Norway’s largest computer party, has been held in Vikingskipet Olympic Arena, Hamar from March 27th – 31st . TG has around 5000 participants and attracts growing interest, both nationally and internationally.

Key Features
  • No E-sport at TG 2013, only LAN event.
  • 1500 LAN participants
  • Booth with XL monitors
  • BenQ involvement via Komplett and the official organization.
  • Very good penetration among participants at TG. Varoius of BenQ models but mostly XL series. I belive BenQ had the highest pentration regarding monitors at TG!

BenQ參加瑞典科技展 (Dustin Expo electronics show in Sweden)

BenQ參加位於斯德哥爾摩的科技展Dustin Expo 2013,眾多消費電子品牌齊聚一堂,在三天的時間內超過一萬名觀眾參加,擴展BenQ品牌能見度。

Dustin Expo 2013 – the biggest IT- & home electronics exhibition in the Nordic countries! On March 14th until 16th in Stockholm, Sweden.
At Dustin Expo around 70 of the foremost of home electronics manufacturers will be gathered. You will have the opportunity to check out everything from computers to cameras, television screens, games, tablets, smartphones and a lot more.

Dustin Expo is one of the largest IT and electronics trade fairs, attracting 10 000 visitors annually in three days. Every year, about 70 of Dustin's leading manufacturers gather in a 3 000 m² exhibition hall at Annexet, Stockholm.

小蝸居、大視界 明基投影機「短打王4代」MS616ST中國新上市 (Small living spaces, generous views—BenQ’s MS616ST fourth-generation short-throw projector launches in China)

短焦投影受限於鏡頭解像力及成本的原因,在家用Video型投影機市場一直沒有運用短焦技術的產品。不過,隨著投影機市場的不斷細化,這個僵局已經被打破——近日,全球DLP投影機領導品牌明基BenQ推出一系列面對家用/個人娛樂市場短焦投影機MS616ST、W770ST、W1080ST,涵蓋SVGA/720P/1080P三檔解析度,分別定位于初階入門/主流性價比/中高階1080P 三個檔次,方便不同預算的消費者選購。

Owing to issues with the resolving power of lenses and the relatively high cost of short-throw projectors, short-throw projection technology has not played a significant role in the video-centric home projector market. However, as the projector market becomes ever more segmented, this stalemate has been broken. Recently, BenQ—the world’s leading DLP projector brand—has introduced a series of short-throw projector models for the home and individual-user entertainment market. The MS616ST, W770ST, and W1080ST support SVGA, 720p, and 1080p resolutions, respectively targeting the entry-level, mainstream price/performance, and high-end segments, making it easy for consumers to select the right model for their budgets.

玩自拍、遊臺灣、做名模——明基自拍神器G1尋找中國“模”力女孩盛典啟動 (BenQ seeks model for publicity campaign in China)


BenQ China held a search for a model to appear in a series of events promoting the G1 self-portrait camera. The events were set to begin on 1 April, and while they are ongoing, contestants uploading self-portrait photos to the campaign website gain a chance at a stylish super-slim G1 as a prize. Three finalists can win a trip to Taiwan where they will receive professional model training and a personalized makeover.

BenQ電競顯示器助陣中國京東杯DOTA超級聯賽 (BenQ gaming monitor promoted in tandem with major gaming tournament in China)


The qualifying round of matches for’s Defense of the Ancients (DotA) gaming tournament in China has begun. E-commerce site is simultaneously running a promotion for the monitor best suited for DotA gameplay—BenQ’s RL2240H. With its powerful performance, the RL2240H is the world’s first monitor expressly developed for use in challenging real-time strategy titles such as DotA, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends.

BenQ GP3微投影機中國上市,帶來真正的無線移動影院 (BenQ mini projector debuts in China, providing a true wireless mobile theater experience)


Global-leading projector brand BenQ has officially introduced its third-generation LED mini projector, the GP3. With its internal battery and wireless streaming support, the GP3 represents a true wireless mobile theater solution. It allows users to share video and photos anytime and anywhere. It will turn home gatherings into special events, and make outdoor get-togethers even more fun—and even transform dull stretches during long-distance travel into entertaining interludes.

張揚依舊,極致背光 明基昆吾劍KX900中國驚豔上市 (BenQ’s eye-catching new KX900 keyboard makes splashy debut in China)


Recently, BenQ introduced its latest mechanical keyboard in the "Road to the Championship" series--the KX900. The KX9000 uses a hybrid design that combines Cherry MX Black and Cherry MX Brown switches. While more costly to produce, this design results in a superior typing experience. In addition, the medley of white keys with blue backlighting continues the customary eye-catching aesthetics of BenQ's mechanical keyboards. The new model is certain to provide enthusiasts of stylish peripherals with a distinctive and appealing product experience.

明基推業界首款黑黃配色遊戲顯示器 (BenQ introduces the industry's first black-and-yellow gaming monitor)


In late April, BenQ will introduce the RL2240HE, an upgraded 21.5" model in the RL series. The RL2240HE will retain the technical strengths of the series, even improving already outstanding grey-to-grey response times to a remarkable 1 millisecond. On the industrial design side, the RL2240HE will make liberal use of black and yellow, matching potent performance with equally compelling looks.

BenQ China全線產品拉開BenQ品牌團網購狂歡大幕 (BenQ China holds popular group discount sale online)


The BenQ flagship store on the Tmall online shopping website was set to hold a group discount sale from 19 to 22 April. With BenQ's full product lineup included and everything on sale at a steep 62% discount, the promotion is sure to ignite red-hot online sales for BenQ products once again in 2013.

幸福雲觸屏中國IT媒體報導 (Chinese IT media report on BenQ's CT2200 touchscreen monitor)

After BenQ conducted extensive outreach efforts aimed at core media outlets in Shanghai and Beijing, editors were extremely interested in the CT2200 touchscreen monitor, differing as it does from ordinary tablets and all-in-one desktops. Fortunately, BenQ moved quickly to encourage detailed reviews at key media, with the coverage providing an excellent opportunity to promote the new monitor. Six IT-oriented online media outlets posted detailed accounts of how to use the monitor, to ensure consumers throughly understood this all-new product. ZOL’s review of the CT2200 was its longest-ever product review, while pconline published a special information piece on the monitor’s video technology. pchome’s review extended to 20 pages, while other popular Chinese online media outlets like Yesky also offered comprehensive descriptions of our product’s hardware and software. Editors were unanimous in hailing the high standard achieved by the CT2200 in every feature tested.

明基高拍儀T606 IT168中國媒體深度評測 (Chinese media offer in-depth reviews of BenQ’s next-generation T606 scanner)


BenQ’s T606 is a revolutionary product for the workplace. Combining features such as high-speed scanning, easy portability, and accurate OCR, the T606 is ideal for a wide variety of office applications. In view of these characteristics, BenQ selected IT168, a media outlet that exerts a strong influence in the channel, for its initial promotional push. Drawing on variety of formats—including advertising, image galleries, video shorts illustrating usage scenarios, and special features—BenQ provided a comprehensive overview of the T606. In addition, articles on use of the T606 in banks, government offices, and hotels gave consumers a vivid picture of its ease of operation.

明基GH800近期中國媒體曝光 (BenQ’s GH800 gains exposure in Chinese media)


BenQ’s high-zoom GH800 camera has attracted considerable attention from the editors of China’s IT-related media ever since its market debut. From reviews to image galleries, and from discussion forums to promotion through advertorials, BenQ instituted a strong online marketing campaign.

明基主機殼X270中國 ZOL深度評測 (BenQ X270 computer case receives in-depth review from ZOL)


To mark the return to school after winter break, BenQ launched the X270/X210 computer case series in March. These cases include dramatic improvements in heat dissipation, and to enable more consumers to know about these two new products, BenQ launched a series of promotional initiatives on ZOL, China’s most influential IT-themed website. The initiatives included advertisements, product reviews, image galleries, and pricing reports. In addition, there were discussion threads focused on the products on online forums.

明基電競系列顯示器收錄中國《電子競技》雜誌 (BenQ’s gaming monitors receive coverage in leading Chinese gaming magazine)


China Electronic Athletics is a well-regarded magazine among gamers. BenQ’s gaming monitors have always been favored by the magazine’s editors, who have consistently recognized that BenQ is developing products with gamers’ needs truly in mind. As a result, in the year-end awards they granted for 2012, BenQ’s gaming monitors once again were winners. Moreover, the magazine published product reports on BenQ gaming monitors in both its February and March editions.

BenQ China「劍魚行動」第一階段圓滿落幕暨河南參加第三屆中西部IT產品博覽會 (BenQ brings first phase of “Swordfish campaign” to a successful conclusion with participation in major IT expo)


From 1 to 3 April, a major IT exhibition took place in the Zhengzhou, the capital and largest city in Henan province in north-central China. To build its channel relationships, BenQ took part in the expo, showing its full lineup of LCD monitors and digital cameras. Participation in the show marked a successful conclusion to the first phase of BenQ’s “Swordfish campaign” in China.

BenQ GP10家的投影機登陸中國PChouse媒體 (BenQ GP10 home projector gains coverage in China’s PChouse media)


For the first time, BenQ worked with home-themed media to promote projectors, marking a break from being restricted to IT-oriented media as it highlights projectors truly tailored for the home. From their potential use in the interior design of a new home to the furnishing of stylish smart home, BenQ is educating consumers on an all-new perspective on projectors to stimulate the desire to purchase one. Through a variety of approaches—including advertisements, product recommendations, advertorials, iPad magazines, and themed mini-sites—BenQ is conveying the concept of home projectors.

2013明基投影機杭州教育行業說明會活動回顧 (A look back on BenQ’s 2013 projector briefing for the Hangzhou education sector)


On 29 March, BenQ and TI jointly organized a briefing on BenQ’s projectors at a hotel in Hangzhou, China. Aimed at educational institutions, the briefing featured demos of nine BenQ projectors, including laser, 3D, short-throw, and long-throw models, along with an interactive whiteboard solution using BenQ projectors. Also on exhibit were an additional ten BenQ projectors, providing the roughly 40 attendees with an idea of BenQ’s wide-ranging capabilities and extensive product line.

十平米的愛:明基投影機W1080ST 體驗會上海站順利閉幕 (BenQ holds successful hands-on event for W1080ST projector in Shanghai)

3月23日,明基投影機W1080ST 體驗會上海站在專業的影音試聽室舉行。本次家庭影院鑒賞由明基與天極高清達人俱樂部聯合舉辦,共有284人報名,經過刪選,共有20名網友參與了本次體驗會。在體驗會上網友們不僅零距離體驗了全高清3D影像視聽盛宴,更對明基W1080ST這款萬元級家庭影院投影儀留下深刻印象,有人現場表達了購買意向。

BenQ’s series of hands-on events for the W1080ST came to Shanghai on 23 March, taking place at a professional audiovisual test room. The Shanghai event, designed to give consumers a chance to experience a home theater built around the W1080ST, was jointly organized with’s HD Club. A total of 284 people registered, and after a screening process, 20 of these people were given the opportunity to participate. During the hands-on event, participants not only had a chance to experience the visual splendor of high-resolution 3D visuals, but also an impressive demonstration of the moderately-priced W1080ST’s capabilities as the center of a home theater—so impressive, in fact, that some of the consumers in attendance immediately expressed an intent to purchase one.

BenQ LCD昆明皓藍管道會議順利舉行 (BenQ holds successful meeting for LCD monitor channel partners in China)


On 22 March, a channel partners meeting was held in Kunming, China with 94 dealers represented. The meeting was hosted by a local business organization, with BenQ, Biostar, and Zotac sponsoring and participating. Reports presented during the meeting shared interesting perspectives on the BenQ brand, products and strategy, specific product selling points, and sales philosophy. Various BenQ monitors were on display in their own showcase area, where usage scenarios were realistically conveyed, attracting visits from numerous customers.

BenQ幸福雲觸屏 ZOL+PConline 全方位評測出爐 (BenQ touchscreen monitor comprehensively reviewed on ZOL and PConline)


China’s two largest IT-oriented media, ZOL and PConline, have published in-depth reviews of BenQ’s touchscreen monitor. ZOL’s review was spotlighted on its main page with a large eye-catching graphic. The comprehensive and detailed review itself ran to 16 pages, covering the product concept, system details, software features, hardware, industrial design, and sales promotion activities.

愛上在家看電影 BenQ China W1080ST家用短焦投影機完美體驗 (BenQ China’s W1080ST short-throw home projector provides a perfect experience for viewing movies at home)


After hands-on events for the W1080ST short-throw home projector—the world’s first short-throw Full HD 3D home projector—that took place in Guangzhou, Chongqing, and Beijing, the show moved to Shanghai. Designed to give attendees an opportunity to enjoy first-hand a home theater experience with the W1080ST, the event was jointly organized by BenQ and’s HD Club, attracting a rush of registrants. The event itself lived up to everyone’s high expectations, with the program including 3D viewing, motion-controlled gaming, and quiz show with prizes. Attendees got to experience the visual feast provided by the Full HD 3D W1080ST projector, leaving them deeply impressed by this remarkable yet moderately priced home theater solution.

明基攜手LEOVATION登陸InfoComm China 2013 (BenQ joins forces with Leovation at InfoComm China 2013)

2013年4月10至12日,中國專業視聽業界的年度盛事InfoComm China 2013在北京國家會議中心正式拉開帷幕。作為國內領先的專業視聽設備與集成技術展覽會,此次展會吸引了22個國家及地區,多達300家國內外優質視聽廠商參展。本次InfoComm上,明基BenQ攜手LEOVATION向觀眾展示了在商用大屏顯示器下的視覺新體驗。據悉,本次展出的超窄邊商用大屏顯示器PH460也為明基超窄邊系列的首亮相。LEOVATION即使用了PH460的兩種拼接方式,完美組成拼接視頻牆,配合互動觸控設計,現場完美呈現了與觀眾互動的視覺新體驗。

From 10 to 12 April, the InfoComm China 2013 exhibition took place in Beijing. China’s leading exhibition dedicated to professional audiovisual equipment and integration technology, this year’s edition of the show attracted attendees from 22 countries and regions, with 300 outstanding domestic and foreign vendors exhibiting. BenQ worked with Leovation for the exhibition, demoing the viewing experience of its large-screen displays for business users. The exhibition marked the first appearance of BenQ’s business-oriented PH406 super-narrow-bezel large-screen monitor. Leovation used the PH406’s two multiple screen modes to seamlessly create a video wall. Drawing on an interactive touchscreen design, the demo perfectly presented a novel interactive visual experience for visitors.

BenQ 贊助的電競隊伍Mousesports換新裝 (BenQ sponsored Mousesports gaming team new clothing in Germany)

BenQ 贊助的電競隊伍Mousesports換新裝,他們不僅出席各大電競活動,也擔任歐洲地區BenQ的宣傳大使。

BenQ sponsored Mousesports gaming team new clothing in Germany
BenQ is Headsponsor
Using mousesports for events, communications, PR meetings

BenQ VW2430H完整評測在德國 (VW2430H long term consumer tests (20 testers) in half year time in PC Go in Germany)

BenQ VW2430H在德國進行完整評測,將有20位消費者進行測試。

VW2430H long term consumer tests (20 testers) in half year time in PC Go in Germany
  • BlackDiamond – Consumer Test 
  • PCgo / PRINT
    • 20 Consumer will test the VW2430H 
    • in a time frame of six month / 
    • ongoing visibilty in print publication 

BenQ產品接受德國IT媒體專訪 (BenQ BlueCore advertorial and interview in IT Reseller in Germany)


BenQ BlueCore advertorial and interview in IT Reseller in Germany.

2013年4月14日 星期日

BenQ 德國Q1宣傳素材釋出 (New sales support materials Q1 in Germany)

BenQ 德國Q1宣傳素材釋出,包括以下項目:網頁橫幅、銷售指南、報紙廣告、海報等等。

New sales support materials Q1 in Germany are below:

  • New Banner Launch XL2720T / VW2430H
  • Banner Benelux
  • Supplement Ingram Micro AT
  • Sales Guides B2B/B2C (German/English)
  • B2B brochure (German/English)
  • Acops, Channel-Attacke
  • Demo-Attacke, For Friends only
  • Newsletter Benelux e.g.
  • Latest POS materials

BenQ 產品記者會在奧地利舉行 (BenQ Press Meetings with IT and consumer electronics in March in Austria)

3/27-28,BenQ 產品記者會在奧地利舉行,BenQ經銷商、網路與紙上媒體皆與會。
  • 20th March: Reseller Press,
-Hilton Hotel, Vienna
- EHZ, E&W, ChannelPartner,
  • 27th + 28th  March: 
Consumer Press press tour:
- der Standdard
- eMedia
- Kurier/

BenQ參加2013 CEBIT科技展 (CEBIT 2013 tradeshow in Germany, stand in Planet Reseller area)

3/5-3/9,BenQ參加德國漢諾威2013 CEBIT科技展,除了對經銷夥伴展出各項商用與家用機種之外,也在IEM電競大賽中提供玩家體驗BenQ最新的XL2720T電競顯示器。

CeBIT 2013 was held from March 5th – 9th in Hanover, Germany
CeBIT is the world's largest trade fair showcasing digital IT and telecommunications solutions for home and work environments.

IFA Preview Events
  • 16 – 17 January Munich
  • 23 – 24 January Hamburg

More than 200 journalists took part
BenQ product highlights:
  • BlackDiamond
  • MW767 / W1500 (Wireless)
  • IFP

Planet Reseller, api Cooperation Stand
  • Meeting Platform for BenQ Partner and prospectives
  • Press Meetings with Reseller Press
  • Product Highlights:
    • GL2760HS
    • BL-Series
    • IFP
    • MW767 and Business Projector range
    • Transparent Showcase

Launch @ Intel Extreme Masters Finals
  • 5 – 9 March, Hannover
  • over 170.000 visitors in hall 23
  • Press Meetings with HeatoN
  • BenQ booth
  • XL2720T Promotion-Raffle
  • BenQ Channel, dailiy videos with Soe and Pro Gamer

2013年4月11日 星期四

BenQ XL2720T 開箱影片在西班牙 (BenQ XL2720T unboxing review video in Spain)

西班牙合作夥伴LIFE INFORMATICA拍攝了BenQ XL2720T 開箱影片,在個人網站與YouTube上露出。

The product review (unboxing and product test) that one of our customers LIFE INFORMATICA has made with the new XL2720T and published on their website and Youtube channel.

BenQ在泰國受訪 ( Pattakorn Interviewed by Digital Camera Magazine)

BenQ接受泰國數位雜誌「Digital Camera Magazine」訪問, 談到BenQ的產品趨勢以及未來相機業務的佈局,也和消費者分享BenQ數位相機產品的優勢!

Pattakorn, Country head of BenQ Thailand was interviewed by Digital Camera Magazine in aspect of BenQ camera business in Thailand. Pattakorn emphasized business direction to continuously grow in camera business and introduced product highlight in the near future. Product lineup is ranged from compact camera to high zoom performance and to bright lens camera. Further, Pattakorn talked about strategic partnership with Digital2Home and hence customer service management to enhance customers’ confidence toward BenQ products.

BenQ GW2760HS不閃屏宣傳素材釋出 (GW2760HS MarCom deliverables are ready for marketing flicker-free technology)

BenQ GW2760HS全球第一台不閃屏顯示器推出,也在各地開始宣傳它的護眼健康訴求!

GW2760HS is the first VA LED monitor with flicker-free technology to reduce eye fatigue. Eye fatigue is caused by flickering backlight and can result in headaches, eye strain and blurred vision with prolonged computer use. By replacing the conventional Pulse Width Modulation LED backlight, BenQ effectively eliminate flickering at all brightness levels, making the GW2760HS easier on the eyes when a computer is used for extended periods. Below is MarCom deliverables for flicker-free promotion, please start your promotion plan and share relevant information with RO from time to time.
● Press Release – released on Feb. 21
● Datasheet and Crowner – released on Mar. 18
● Demo guide, Demo video, Online banner and Web page update – released on Mar. 26

BenQ參加亞太地區各大電競活動 (Gaming events participation in Australia, Japan, Singapore and UAE)

BenQ參加亞太地區各大電競活動,包括澳洲雪梨Cyber League Pro、新加坡當地網咖活動、日本OnPlayerSTREAM線上活動、中東阿布達比Top Challenger Series等,不斷增加BenQ電競品牌的正面形象。

BenQ Australia closely worked with gaming-related parties to promote XL/RL series to gamers. In March, 3 gaming events were conducted in Sydney and Melbourne.

● Australian Cyber League Pro in Sydney on March 15th
It’s Australia’s biggest Console League, in cooperation with Activition, one of the world’s largest gaming publishers. Total is 8 gaming teams attended the competition of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and over 1,500 people were attracted to join together.

● Cyber Gamer Pro League in Melbourne on March 23rd to 24th
It’s recognized as Australia’s first PC National Championship of 2013 – frequented by Australia’s most competitive gamers. Total is 60 gamers attended the competition of CS:GO and around 1,000 people witnessed it via live-steaming. Gamers from Team Immunity which is sponsored by BenQ Australia also ranked No. 3 among the best gamers of Australia.

In order to fully leverage the resource of gaming café, BenQ Singapore cooperated with local gaming café, Colosseum, to hold “Bf.Nut Bootcamp Season 1” on March 17th. Besides gaming competition for Battlefield3 and BlackShot , the Pro-gaming team, Bf. Nut, which is sponsored by BenQ Singapore, also demonstrated how to use XL2420T to win the tournament.

BenQ Japan lent 3 units of XL2420T to OnPlayerSTREAM for commentating usage. OnPlayerSTREAM is a FPS online channel and keep broadcasting matches twice a week through Nico Nico Live, an online video streaming platform in Japan. BenQ Japan also conducted a Twitter campaign to promote XL2420T during the same period.

Middle East
In March, 3 remaining “Top Challenger Series” were finished in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Al Ain. The team “Elite Killers” had a wonderful time playing with participants using BenQ XL2420T. The event reached around 300 gamers to join in the cafes and gamers could just sit at home while competing with the game team online. It was a great event not only let gamers and audience enjoy the games but also strengthened BenQ’s leading position in gaming monitors.

BenQ顯示器在澳洲與印尼獲好評 ( XL2420T and GW2760HM Awards in Australia and Indonesia)

BenQ XL2420T與GW2760HM顯示器,獲澳洲「PC Powerplay」和「APC」雜誌肯定,也在印尼獲「HWM」雜誌好評!

BenQ LCD monitors have received 4 more awards this month. In Australia, the ultimate gaming monitor XL2420T has been awarded “Monitor of the Year” and “Power Award” in PC Powerplay Magazine and “Highly Recommended Award” in APC magazine. The XL2420T has been honored best of the best among monitors. In Indonesia, the GW2760HM won the “Silver Award” in HWM for outstanding color details; speakers are also praised for quality audio performance in gaming monitor segment.

BenQ參加韓國戶外用品展 ( BenQ Korea joined Camping exhibition)


From Feb. 28th to Mar. 3rd, BenQ Korea promoted GP2 via a joint promotion with a camping equipment partner, Marine Land. In the event, GP2 had been put inside a car camping tent to live-demonstrate some movies and videos with a portable screen. Visitors have been impressed with the compact size of GP2. Camping is a popular activity in Korea, and through continual camping exhibition, GP2 has successfully accumulated the awareness among the campers.

BenQ 投影機參加杜拜GESS教育展 (BenQ projectors at GESS education exhibition in Dubai)

3/5-3/7,BenQ 投影機與當地夥伴一起參加杜拜GESS教育展,和世界各地廠商一同展示科技在教育的先進應用,我們的互動式與高畫質3D投影吸引眾多觀正的注意。

From Mar. 5th to 7th, BenQ Middle East joined Gulf Educational Supplies & Solutions (GESS) with the partner, Abcom at the Dubai World Trade Centre. GESS is the exhibition in the region to cover the spectrum of educational supplies and solutions and over 250 international exhibitors joined the event to demo the latest technologies. In this event, MW860USTi with Interactive Board and W1080ST with Full HD 3D Edutainment Content were live demonstration, while MS517, MX618ST, MP780ST+ and MW817ST were in static displayed. BenQ Middle East reached around 45,000 visitors and got 45 prospective orders in discussion in just three days.

BenQ參加印度影音展 (BenQ India participated in AV Max Expo)


BenQ India participated in AV Max Expo from Mar. 8th to 10th at Crowne Plaza New Delhi. In this event, BenQ India showcased three product lines, projectors, LCD TVs and monitors to consumers and channel partners, and focused on product live demonstration. For projector, BenQ India presented W7000 with frame interpolation and Full-HD 3D capability, W1080ST with short-throw projection distance and LED projector, GP3 & GP10 with a mini home theater concept. Moreover, BenQ India showcased TVs and monitors with family and personal entertainment. There were around 3,000 visitors for AV Max expo and BenQ India got many product enquiries as well as successfully promoted BenQ full range product among the right targets.

BenQ W1080st在新加坡舉辦體驗會 ( W1080ST experience event in Singapore on Mar. 22nd)

BenQ W1080st在新加坡舉辦體驗會,共有13家媒體前來,共同聆聽我們的新產品優勢並體驗BenQ投影機產品的高畫質3D電影!

BenQ Singapore hosted its first video experience sharing session on Mar. 22nd at Lenbrook Asia, a showroom for audio and visual products. BenQ Singapore demonstrated W1080ST and worked with their two SI partners to deliver this event together. In this event, we had 13 media guests and presented the product advantages as well as playing a 3D movie to demo high image quality. BenQ Singapore received positive feedbacks and our guests entirely experienced home theater entertainment different from business usage. They were excited about the performance and short-throw feature of W1080ST.

W1070與W1080ST在日本與澳洲表現亮眼 (W1070 & W1080ST are getting hot in Australia and Japan!)


Thanks to its good performance and proper positioning, our new video projectors, W1070 and W1080ST are getting hot in Australia and Japan. Ever since their introduction, we got many positive feedbacks from channel partners and consumers, and now we are waiting for the next shipments!

W1070 in T3 Magazine: clear image and good cost performance are admired campaign to educate consumers a 3D video projector is better than a TV, where W1080ST/W1070 will be your best choice.

In March, BenQ Japan concentrated on marketing W1070, and got many positive feedbacks and good sales number. Press release to announce its launch was the first step followed by media reviews and Word of Mouth program to create the awareness. Besides, BenQ Japan also cooperated with channel partner to increase the product exposure in shop-front space.

W1070 reviews on AllAbout:
W1070 was introduced as one of the high quality home theatre projector in the page of “Best buy home theatre projector”. The review especially focused on its Full HD, good picture quality, compatibility with Blu-ray recorder and big picture projection.

W1070 comments on
W1070 was introduced as one of the high quality projector in the page of product review by end users at, especially focusing on Full HD, ISF, high contrast, high brightness, HDMI, SmartEco and high cost performance. One reviewer already bought W1070 and enjoyed the high quality image with Blu-ray player. He is very satisfied with the picture quality.

2013年4月10日 星期三

BenQ China 2013應屆新人動力營 (BenQ China holds orientation for new employees)


From 11 to 29 March, BenQ held its 2013 orientation for new employees. Thirteen BenQers-to-be got a preview of their future work and BenQ’s culture. The three weeks of the orientation progressed through three phases: market research, regional sales, and “Discovering Suzhou”. The orientation provided opportunities for personal growth, and asked for hard work in return; there moments of inspiration and of gratitude. Participants not only gained knowledge, but they made friends. The road ahead is long, but fortunately it will be traversed in the company of many like-minded companions. In July, we’ll gather once again in Suzhou!

BenQ G1相機拉丁美洲road show (BenQ G1 road shows for end users in Ripley stores)

BenQ G1相機在拉丁美洲量販店舉行road show,增加當地消費者對BenQ的意識。

Customers tested G1 features; increased brand awareness

BenQ投影機產品購物中心主題展在瓜地馬拉 (Exhibition of BenQ Projectors in different malls “Oasis”)


In Guatemala, our PRJ were displayed in 4 malls, simulating a beach scenario where people could seat and test the projection quality.

BenQ投影機在瓜地馬拉設計中心展出 (Exhibition of Projectors in a Design Center in Guatemala)

BenQ hold a projector exhibition in the most important Design Center building in Guatemala, which hosts architects, interior designers and engineers. BenQ obtained branding presence for different segments.

BenQ線上行動型錄在墨西哥 (BenQ Catalog in Android and IOS )


The online BenQ Catalog for Android and IOS is available from March. With this App you can identify the region and the user type and exclusive promotions and customized information will be displayed.

This is a great sales tool since you can send product  info directly to the customer. It also has  a glossary with technical terms that will help understand our products. There are also customized newsletter and technical advice depending on the region and the user type.

BenQ與墨西哥樂團共度搖滾夜 (BenQ held Concert promotion with Local Rockband in February)

BenQ在墨西哥樂團La Gusana Ciega的演唱會現場設置展台,讓樂迷能用G1相機拍下與偶像的合照。

There was a BenQ stand in the concert of our exclusive rockband “La Gusana Ciega”  in the largest auditorium of Mexico. In the stand, pictures with fans were taken using the color accent of the G1 and an online promotion  was held.

More than 300 pictures were taken and they are available at Facebook BenQ Mexico page.

BenQ互動app在墨西哥上線 (Pakal sculpture available for Android and IOS )

能與墨西哥機場裝置藝術互動的BenQ app已經上線,也即將在墨西哥人來人往的街上和群眾大玩互動!
The “Mayan Parade”  where BenQ is participating with a corporate  “Pakal”, is being  displayed in Mexico City Airport and then will be exhibited in the most important avenue of Mexico City, along with other sculptures.

There is an application in Android and IOS  in which the cellphone recognizes the sculpture with the QR and it pops put in 3D, then the rockband singer speaks about the project and the user can take a picture next to the Pakal with the singer. A picture with BenQ logo can be posted on FB.

BenQ參加巴西電競活動 (LCD GAMEPOLITAN Event at Brazil from March 16th-17th)


We participated in this event with NVIDIA, our monitors were used and our brand exposed. More than 10k people attended

美若康擴大銷售據點,至大學眼鏡購買即贈限量好禮! (Miacare expands sales channel, runs promotion at popular optical store)



Miacare is expanding its presence to additional retail stores, initiating sales at branches of the Feye optical store chain throughout Taiwan. Through 31 May, consumers who purchase Miacare daily disposable contact lenses will receive a free package of Miacare acne patches (while limited supplies last).

2013年4月9日 星期二

BenQ多款電競顯示器在英國獲得好評 (BenQ XL2420TX、 XL2411T、GW2750HM won good reviewsw in UK)

BenQ電競顯示器XL2420TX、 XL2411T與GW2750HM顯示器,在英國多個雜誌獲得好評

  • XL2420TX good review in IT Pro Portal in UK
  • XL2420TX good review in PC Format in UK
  • GW2750HM good review in PC Format in UK
  • XL2411T award in PC Format in UK

BenQ 多款投影機在歐洲各國皆獲好評 (BenQ projectors won good reviews in Europe)

BenQ 多款投影機在歐洲各國皆獲好評,包括W1070在德國、挪威法國等地的評測,以及W1500/W1200/W060/W703D/W1080ST的好評。

BenQ W1070

  • W1070 award in Watt Magazine in Norway
  • W1070 award in Player in Germany
  • W1070 award in Heimkino in Germany
  • W1070 award in Blu-ray magazine in Germany
  • W1070 good review in What HiFi in France
  • W1070 good review in T3 in UK
  • W1070 good review in Digital Life in Sweden

BenQ W1500/W1200/W060/W703D/W1080ST

  • W1500 good review in Audio Video HD in France
  • W1200 and W1070 good review in Expressen / GT in Sweden
  • W1060 good review in XS Reviews in UK
  • W703D good review in Tech Radar in UK
  • W1080ST award in Trusted Reviews in UK

BenQ VW2430H在歐洲獲獎 (VW2430H good review in Switzerland and Germany)

BenQ VW2430H顯示器獲瑞士「PCtipp」雜誌評為「good award」,也在德國「“Digital Tested」獲得「good award」與「price/performance winner」的肯定!

  • The VW2430H received the „good award” by the magazine “PCtipp/Switzerland”
  • The VW2430H received the „good award” by the magazine “Digital Tested/Germany” and is “price/performance winner”.