BenQ W1080ST投影機在澳洲登上Cybershack TV頻道的電子產品介紹節目,在節目中介紹了BenQ投影機的高畫質大畫面以及3D投影,並且特別指出了BenQ投影機的短焦優勢。
BenQ Australia got a nice exposure of W1080ST online on Cybershack TV. CyberShack TV is one of the top gadgets and technology media programs in Australia and offers consumers a one-stop-shop for the most current information in the tech space. In this 100 seconds video, the MC introduced BenQ W1080ST as an alternative large display of full HD with 3D image & cost effective, and then conducted an interview with BenQ Australia PM, Andrew Lambkin. Andrew mentioned product features in high resolution, high brightness, high brightness, high contrast and rich connectivity. Furthermore, he highlighted the short-throw function of W1080ST. Then give the clear information of the price and where to buy.