從2012年末尾一轉眼進入了2013年,來個華麗的轉身吧!BenQ China華南業務區加盟店在形象和銷量上作出了不懈的努力,感謝大家的支持與配合,希望各個店面在2013年會有更好的銷量!2012年11月20日至2013年1月20日BenQ DIY加盟店「華南之星」 Top店面&sales評選重磅來襲!經過激烈角逐和店面得分資訊的收集,本次「華南之星」Top店面&sales評選獲獎店面終於華麗誕生。四家位於廣東及一家位於廣西的店面榮獲前五名。
BenQ China’s southern sales region franchisees have worked tirelessly to enhance their image and sales volumes, and we thank everyone for their support and cooperation, while hoping that each franchisee will be able to achieve even greater sales volumes in 2013. From 20 November 2012 to 20 January 2013, the evaluation process for BenQ franchisee “star of southern China” top store and sales awards took place. After intense competition and collection of data on retail outlets, the winners of this edition of the “star of southern China” awards were finally announced, with four stores located in Guangdong and one in Guangxi taking the top five positions.