2013年3月13日 星期三

明基幸福雲•觸屏新品發佈會暨《愛•相見》微電影中國地區公開首映 (BenQ short film to promote new touch-screen products makes public debut in China)

3月12日下午,國內數十家知名媒體受邀參加《愛•相見》微電影公開首映會。因其劇情安排與內容鋪陳的角度令人耳目一新,網上試映短短數日,便已引起不少網友熱議。當與會人士還在玩味BenQ為何提出「幸福•一觸可及」這一耐人尋味的主張之際,明基全球首發的新品「幸福雲•觸屏」 的閃亮登場,帶來了現場解答。

On the afternoon of 12 March, several of China’s best-known media outlets were invited to attend the public premiere of a special short film from BenQ. Owing to the film’s novel narrative structure and presentation, it had already elicited considerable discussion during the few short days that previews had been available online. Just as people were wondering about the meaning behind BenQ’s intriguing slogan, “Happiness—a touch away”, the global debut of BenQ’s new CT2200 touch-screen monitor arrived, providing all the answers in brilliant fashion.

