2013年3月14日 星期四

BenQ接受泰國及韓國媒體採訪 (Media Interviews in Thailand and Korea)

BenQ接受泰國新聞ThanSetaki採訪,暢談BenQ在泰國的市場策略方向。同時,我們也接受韓國「IT dongA」網站採訪,評測W1080ST投影機的環保特色及優良畫質表現。
BenQ Thailand’s country head Pattakorn was interviewed by business newspaper “ThanSetakij” to talk about the product and marketing strategy as well as business direction of BenQ Thailand. Pattakorn also shared his way of management and vision to keep BenQ Thailand thriving for these years.

In Korea, the PM Daniel Kim was interviewed by online medium “IT dongA” to reveal the upcoming W1080ST. The interview covered some more projector feature highlights such as BenQ SmartEco for low power consumption and superior image performance.

