2013年3月15日 星期五
BenQ LED 進入日本壽司店 (BenQ Lighting Case: Sushi Bar)
東方美食文化已悄悄進入充滿神秘色彩的東歐國家。在捷克布拉格的舊城區,有一間廣受布拉格居民與當地政府官員喜愛的日本壽司店,近日店內重新裝潢,也汰換掉傳統燈泡,換上BenQ LED平板燈與A60A1 可調光燈泡,店家可隨著每天日光的充足度,調整燈泡的亮度,達到省電節能的目的。
The Oriental cuisine culture has crept into the mysterious Eastern European countries.A wide favorite Japanese sushi restaurant in the Old Town of Prague, Czech Republic, recently re-store decor, also replacement out traditional light bulbs into the BenQ LED panel light with A60A1 adjustable light bulb, fulfilled the energy saving purposes.
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