2013年3月18日 星期一

2013「Green Party 綠色嘉年華」明基友達集團植樹活動圓滿完成 (Green Party tree-planting event for 2013 a great success)

3/12 植樹節今年 BenQ 也一起響應植樹活動的計畫,上週六到台中 AUO 廠區,種植台灣肖楠、土肉桂、櫸木、樟樹、烏桕、大葉楠、杜鵑等樹苗,一起身體力行,實現造林減碳。

KY 也說:「多種幾棵樹,我們的下一代就有更多『綠』空間及『綠』視野 ... 」,沒錯, BenQ 積極地投入綠色環境的維護及再造,大力推行植樹運動,希望能為地球盡一份心力,希望大家都能一起來響應。

12 March is Tree Planting Day in China, and BenQ made plans to make a contribution to the cause of greening the environment. On a recent Saturday, BenQers went to the AUO plant in Taichung to plant the saplings of a variety of trees, including Taiwanese incense cedars, cinnamon, and camphor laurel, taking concrete action to preserve the environment.

KY said, “By planting more trees now, the next generation will have more ‘green’ spaces and ‘green’ views.” KY is right, and BenQ is enthusiastically taking part in efforts to protect and enhance the environment. We strongly promoted the tree-planting campaign, in the hope that not only could we do something positive for the Earth, but that by doing so we could encourage others to join in.

