2013年3月13日 星期三

BenQ開學季 蛇麼都All Pass 台灣業務區行銷活動 (BenQ Taiwan launches back-to-school marketing campaign )

BenQ為照顧莘莘學子,特別推出「BenQ開學季--蛇麼都All 趴(Pass)」活動,你的生活消費,BenQ為你買單。凡於活動期間(2013/2/28~2013/4/30)於BenQ全省銷售通路購買BenQ 智慧大型液晶、VA液晶顯示器、行動投影機與自拍相機等指定商品,各項優惠活動熱烈展開。想趁開學季採購最厲害3C 產品的同學們千萬不要錯過!

Timed to correspond with the start of the spring semester, BenQ launched a new marketing campaign with a student-oriented theme. During the campaign, running from 28 February to 30 April, purchase of designated BenQ products—like a BenQ Smart TV, VA LCD monitor, pocket projector, or self-portrait camera—at any sales outlet in Taiwan entitled buyers to special discounts. For students wishing to take advantage of the start of the new semester to buy the best 3C products, this was a promotion not to be missed.

