Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

Knowing BenQ

Global news about BenQ product, staff activities, corporate culture and marketing activities

Knowing BenQ

新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富Knowing BenQ,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。

2013年3月18日 星期一

BenQ 參展 2013 ISE (BenQ at ISE 2012 tradeshow)


BenQ participated at ISE 2013 which took place at RAI fairground in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from January 29th until 31st.

Unveiling its new exposition "A Step Ahead in Visual Technologies – Lampless, Wireless, Interactive Solutions by BenQ", BenQ used this opportunity to expand channel business, enhance relationships with existing partners and meet potential customers. BenQ's new campaign was delivered by demonstrating visual technologies with our projectors, monitors and large displays, designed to fit the needs of the AV and education professionals.

2013「Green Party 綠色嘉年華」明基友達集團植樹活動圓滿完成 (Green Party tree-planting event for 2013 a great success)

3/12 植樹節今年 BenQ 也一起響應植樹活動的計畫,上週六到台中 AUO 廠區,種植台灣肖楠、土肉桂、櫸木、樟樹、烏桕、大葉楠、杜鵑等樹苗,一起身體力行,實現造林減碳。

KY 也說:「多種幾棵樹,我們的下一代就有更多『綠』空間及『綠』視野 ... 」,沒錯, BenQ 積極地投入綠色環境的維護及再造,大力推行植樹運動,希望能為地球盡一份心力,希望大家都能一起來響應。

12 March is Tree Planting Day in China, and BenQ made plans to make a contribution to the cause of greening the environment. On a recent Saturday, BenQers went to the AUO plant in Taichung to plant the saplings of a variety of trees, including Taiwanese incense cedars, cinnamon, and camphor laurel, taking concrete action to preserve the environment.

KY said, “By planting more trees now, the next generation will have more ‘green’ spaces and ‘green’ views.” KY is right, and BenQ is enthusiastically taking part in efforts to protect and enhance the environment. We strongly promoted the tree-planting campaign, in the hope that not only could we do something positive for the Earth, but that by doing so we could encourage others to join in.

2013年3月17日 星期日

BenQ產品亮相沃爾瑪 (BQLA: DSC/PRJ display in Walmart Guatemala)


All the Walmart Purchase managers met in Guatemala to review their 2013 plan and the main brands were invited to display their latest products

BenQ數位相機road show 在秘魯 (BenQ DSC road show in Ripley stores)

BenQ數位相機road show 在秘魯多個城市展開,用類似夜店的佈景來呈現G1的夜拍效果。
This activity organized in different cities of Peru. We created a night ambiance, similar to a night club, where people could test the G1 night shot. A picture with the promoter was taken and given away, but first the customer listened a brief introduction of the G1 by our sales rep.

BenQ參加巴西電競展(BenQ joined Campus Party in Brazil)

BenQ joined Campus Party in Brazil . The Campus Party is a technology event that takes place every year in Sao Paulo

BenQ投影機進駐巴西 (Article of BenQ’s local production in Brazil to be taken to the government)


  1. Shows how BenQ began local production of 3D PRJ  in Brazil with an local contract manufacturing company, named Diebold.
  2. This is the first BenQ manufacture expansion out of China.
  3. With this partnership, BenQ accelerates PRJ delivery to the local market and it´s not projected a price reduction.
  4. Local production capacity: 3k/month, expected to double.
  5. The education sector is the largest potential market for projectors in Brazil

BenQ巴西電子通路廣告一覽 (BenQ Brazil Web Channel improvement)

BenQ近期在巴西電子通路的廣告包括“Super Easter with BenQ¨、”Get fit by selling BenQ”等貼近消費者的社群互動行銷活動。
BenQ Brazil Web Channel improvement concluded below:
  • SND incentive campaign
    • “Super Easter with BenQ¨
  • Paulta Email Marketing
  • SPIFF Campaign for  capilarity and quantity.
    • ”Get fit by selling BenQ”. Prizes include a bicycle and cash.

明基材料參加2013年中國國際醫療器械(春季)博覽會 (BenQ Materials takes part in the CMEF Spring 2013)


CMEF Spring 2013 - 69th China International Medicinal Equipment Fair
時間:2013/04/17 - 2013/04/20
展位:Hall6 G02

BenQ Materials will participate in the CMEF Spring 2013 - 69th China International Medicinal Equipment Fair, which is set to take place from 17 to 20 April. It plans to exhibit its newest health care products, including those in three product series—clinical hemostatic, emergency hemostatic, and skin care/treatment.

CMEF Spring 2013 - 69th China International Medicinal Equipment Fair
Dates: 17-20 April 2013
Location: Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Booth: Hall 6, G02
Exhibited products: clinical hemostatic, emergency hemostatic, and skin care/treatment

2013年3月15日 星期五

BenQ LED 進入日本壽司店 (BenQ Lighting Case: Sushi Bar)

東方美食文化已悄悄進入充滿神秘色彩的東歐國家。在捷克布拉格的舊城區,有一間廣受布拉格居民與當地政府官員喜愛的日本壽司店,近日店內重新裝潢,也汰換掉傳統燈泡,換上BenQ LED平板燈與A60A1 可調光燈泡,店家可隨著每天日光的充足度,調整燈泡的亮度,達到省電節能的目的。

The Oriental cuisine culture has crept into the mysterious Eastern European countries.A wide  favorite Japanese sushi restaurant in the Old Town of Prague, Czech Republic, recently re-store decor, also replacement out traditional light bulbs into the BenQ LED panel light with A60A1 adjustable light bulb, fulfilled the energy saving purposes.

BenQ LED 登上義大利產業雜誌 (Media Report: LEDin Magazine, Italy)

BenQ A60A1 可四段調光的LED燈泡吸引力不容小覷,再獲義大利專業雜誌推薦!《LEDin》 為義大利當地專門報導LED相關產業新聞的月刊雜誌,在2013年一月號中推薦BenQ可調光A60A1 LED燈泡。

BenQ QisDesign 參加ISE 2013 (BenQ QisDesign participated in ISE 2013)

BenQ QisDesign 參加ISE 2013,QisDesign展出了一些令人驚嘆的時尚設計燈具。
For the 10th time, ISE tradeshow opened its doors from January 29th until 31st 2013 at RAI fairground in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. While BenQ was succesfully present here with a booth for the 4th consecutive year, this time the newcomer QisDesign joined on BenQ booth with some amazing stylish design lamps. And eventhough the Integrated Systems Europe tradeshow (in short ISE) has its main focus on the industry of professional AV and electronic systems, still many visitors showed their sincere interest in the QisDesign lamps.

巴西開賣QisDesign系列燈飾 (QisDesign lamps go on sale in Brazil)

巴西聖保羅精品設計店「Light Design+Exporlux」也開始販售QisDesign系列燈飾囉!快看看現場美麗的照片!

Light Design+Exporlux, a shop in Sao Paolo specializing in boutique items is another retailer now selling QisDesign lighting fixtures. Take a look at the beautiful photographs from inside the store!

QisDesign Piano 桌燈登上加拿大居家設計節目《CityLine》(QisDesign Piano broadcasted on "CityLine")

QisDesign Piano 桌燈登上加拿大居家設計節目《CityLine》,主持人為當地知名設計師雅尼克,其在節目中介紹來自QisDesign的趣味互動燈飾-Piano Light,節目播出後,一天內立即收到上百通詢問購買的電話,Piano Light魅力無法擋!

QisDesign Piano was broadcasting on Canada TV program "CityLine", the introduction of interactive Piano light captured everyone, received hundreds of asking calls in just one day!

QisDesign Coral 桌燈登上全球設計人最愛看的雜誌《WIRED MAGAZINE》! (QisDesign Coral is on" Wired"!!)

在四月號中,WIRED英國編輯團隊蒐羅多款優質燈光設計,其中挑出五款令人驚艷、又能為空間帶來舒適明亮的燈具,包括著名設計品牌TOM DIXON, BOCCI與NEMO CASSINA等,QisDesign與這些品牌齊名登上全球設計重要指標的英國WIRED雜誌,是對QisDesign設計力的一大肯定!

In April, WIRED UK selected many kinds of lamps, one of them are QisDesign Coral!

BenQ MW663在瑞典獲獎 (BenQ MW663 award in Datormagazin in Sweden)

瑞典雜誌「Datormagazin」評測BenQ MW663與其他品牌投影機,BenQ投影機以易用性、優異功能獲得優良評價。
BenQ MW663 award in Datormagazin in Sweden:
Comparing test of 7 projectors; BenQ MW663, Dell, Epson, Hitatchi, Nec, Optoma and Sony. Optomas projector was awarded "Best in test" while the BenQ projector along with the Dells projector was awarded “Datormagazin recommends". The BenQ projector got the commentsbright, easy to use, fast, plenty of connections, requiring external sound. It is recommended primarily for lecturers or companies who need a mobile projector. It's good enough for home theater if you do not have such high demands.

在IEM,BenQ帶來極限遊戲體驗 (BenQ brings new Ultimate Gaming Experience at Intel Extreme Masters Global Finals 2013)

2013年3月5日至9日在​​德國漢諾威舉辦的IEM總決賽,安裝近200台BenQ XL2420T和XL2411T電競顯示器,為世界頂級遊戲玩家以及他們的粉絲帶來最高水準的專業遊戲體驗。

As the Global Gaming Monitor Supplier of Intel Extreme Masters Season 2012/2013 BenQ is delightful to be a part of the Global Finals which will take place 5-9 March 2013 in Hannover, Germany. Almost 200 BenQ XL2420T and BenQ XL2411T gaming monitors will be installed in Hall 23 bringing the highest level of professional gaming experience to world’s top gamers as well as their fans.

The XL Series as well as RL Series of BenQ gaming monitors are built exclusively with the latest display technologies to meet specific demands of professional gamers for every day training and eSports tournaments.

Debut of BenQ newest XL Series in 27”
Having a wonderful opportunity to be a part of gaming community and provide professionals with the best high-end solution for eSports BenQ has chosen Intel Extreme Masters Global Finals for the global launch of its new generation of ultimate gaming monitors XL Series. On the opening day, Tuesday March 5th, Emil ‘HeatoN’ Christensen, the Counter Strike Legend, will be making a live appearance at the BenQ stand, Hall 23, to present the dedicated gaming features and highlights of the new monitor. Gaming fans are also invited to duel at the BenQ booth against renowned pro gamers.

Participants of the first ever tournament of StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, exclusively hosted by Intel Extreme Masters during Global Finals, will be also the first ever who put BenQ’s newest XL27” gaming monitors to a professional hardcore test.
BenQ is bringing an exclusive chance to watch StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm by sponsoring the HD stream live passes to every fan.

“Cooperating with Electronic Sports League and Intel Extreme Masters for the second consecutive season has been a valuable experience for us.” – Adams Lee, President of BenQ Europe. “It gives an amazing opportunity to be a part of eSports world by providing the world-class professional monitors for those who deeply dedicated to professional gaming.  There are no doubts the Global Finals is the right choice to unveil BenQ’s newest and most ultimate gaming monitors.”

Additional information on the Intel Extreme Masters Season 2012/2013 is available at
For more on the full line-up of BenQ gaming monitors, please visit Gaming.BenQ.Com.
Please refer to these two updated links with the BenQ Channel video:

BenQ現身德國電競頻道 (Mousesports on IPTV show in Germany)

BenQ logo現登上德國電競頻道Mousesports的顯眼位置,展現BenQ投入電競的決心、擴大品牌知名度。

By successfully ran special episode IPTV show „mouz Trap with Illusion, MaNa & HasuObs“ . The show was broadcasted over a total of three hours (starting 20:00 CET). Three mousesports StarCraft II players were connected via Skype Video Conference Call live on stream, with host James “Kaelaris” Carrol guiding through the show from the ESL TV studios in Cologne.

The setup featured the BenQ logo perfectly visible on stream, in both the studio view aswell as the StarCraft II ingame view.

Although not everything worked out perfectly technically, we’re still pleased with the statistics and especially reactions in chat Facebook and Twitter during the show. We will try to run a “mouz Trap” episode more often in the future, as people liked it a lot.

BenQ W1070 在德國獲獎 (BenQ W1070 award in magazines in Germany)

BenQ W1070 獲德國雜誌foto Magazin、DIGITAL TESTED、Video等評選,得到「傑出」的評價。

The W1070 received the „outstanding award” by the German “foto Magazin”, received the „good award” by the German magazine “DIGITAL TESTED”. And the „outstanding price/performance award” by the German magazine “video”.

BenQ參加德國CEBIT科技展 (CEBIT Preview in Germany)

BenQ Deutschland (Germany) was exhibitor at CeBIT 2013 in reseller area. More info will follow later. Here below is about preview in one of most important hardware magazines and online.

The German magazine „PC Welt“ reports about BenQ products from CeBIT Preview Event:
- W1500
- MW767
- TL650

BenQ W1070投影機在法國獲好評 (BenQ W1070 good review in lesnumeriques in France)

BenQ W1070投影機獲法國網站Lesnumeriques.com好評,相信將對提升銷售更有幫助。

Another very good test and article for W1070 by which is one the most powerful website for Consumer electronics.

For sure this new excellent test will strengthen W1070 and will increase BO numbers !

BenQ G1獲西班牙雜誌評為優良 (G1 good review in Pixel-Depot in Spain)

BenQ G1獲西班牙攝影雜誌「Pixel-Depot」評測,F1.8大光圈等特色被推薦為值得購買的產品。

The Web specialized in photography, Pixel-Depot, did a test to the G1 camera, about which it’s discussed its ease of use, the brightness of f/1.8 optics, a mobile led screen 3 "and its excellent
photometry, in addition to its leather case, details that, as its explained, make it a unique model in its category. They also announced our product like “recommended product”.

BenQ facebook東歐行銷活動(BenQ Facebook campion in CZ & RO)


BenQ Facebook campion:

  • Country: CZ+RO
  • Date: January&February
  • 1500 new fans each
  • Old sample stock products as raffle wins

BenQ參加捷克RedBull音樂活動 (BenQ joined Red Bull Music Academy)

BenQ參加捷克RedBull音樂活動,會中使用BenQ SH960和SP890投影機。

BenQ joined Red Bull Music Academy
  • Country: CZ
  • Date: 18.01.2013
  • Lending 1 SH960 and 1 SP890
  • 400 visitors
  • Logo integration and hands on during the video workshops

2013年3月14日 星期四

BenQ波蘭電競活動 (BenQ Gaming efforts in Poland)

BenQ Gaming efforts in Poland:
  • Deltasports (final reports)
  • UKSW Game Festival
  • CS-first place
  • FIFA 13 – 2 semifinals

BenQ 參加IEM波蘭站賽事 (BenQ Joined IEM Katowice)

一月時BenQ 參加IEM波蘭站賽事,每天皆吸引了7500人以上觀眾。

Country: PL
Date: January 18th-20th 2013
Last BenQ Delta Team event
7500+ visitors each day
FIFA 13 second place

BenQ在東歐多家媒體露出 (BenQ Media Coverage in Czech, Poland and Romania)


BenQ products was shown on Czech, Poland and Romania media, close to 20 reviews and 100 articles Feb.

Chip: GH650
Chip: Projectortest W700/W703D and others
Chip: Monitortest BL2400PT
Chip Monitortest: EW2730V
Level: Test XL2411T
Computer for everyone: VW2430H – high contrast, good brightness, average viewing angles
Mobility - compact cameras not dead: G1 - Very well done camera with many functions
Reseller News: MW817ST recommended was nominated product of the year
PC Garage – Unboxing Review XL2411T - long use report G1
HR/ Vidi: W700+ is best in class

BenQ贊助2012環荷比盧自行車賽 (BenQ Sponsored Eneco Tour in Europe)

BenQ贊助2012環荷比盧自行車賽,身為四間主要贊助廠商之一,BenQ在知名的國際大賽Eneco Tour中曝光,透過贊助傳達品牌活力與熱情的個性。

International professional cycling-event
Part of UCI WorldTour that brings together world’s greatest road races
Only stage race in Benelux part of UCI WorldTour
18 WorldTour teams
3 ProContinental teams
167 riders
> 25 nationalities
7 stages
Team presentation: 2500 – 3000 visitors
Start of stage: 5000 – 10000 visitors
Finish of stage: 10000 – 30000 visitors
Winner 2012: Lars Boom (the Netherlands)

BenQ接受泰國及韓國媒體採訪 (Media Interviews in Thailand and Korea)

BenQ接受泰國新聞ThanSetaki採訪,暢談BenQ在泰國的市場策略方向。同時,我們也接受韓國「IT dongA」網站採訪,評測W1080ST投影機的環保特色及優良畫質表現。
BenQ Thailand’s country head Pattakorn was interviewed by business newspaper “ThanSetakij” to talk about the product and marketing strategy as well as business direction of BenQ Thailand. Pattakorn also shared his way of management and vision to keep BenQ Thailand thriving for these years.

In Korea, the PM Daniel Kim was interviewed by online medium “IT dongA” to reveal the upcoming W1080ST. The interview covered some more projector feature highlights such as BenQ SmartEco for low power consumption and superior image performance.

「就愛和BenQ G1在一起」在亞太地區舉行 (“We Love Together with G1” in Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt and Turkey)

To market G1 as the best love portrait camera by swivel panel and bright lens, in Feb. a series of activities including Facebook campaign, product review, and channel sales promotion were conducted. The message, “Taking perfect Love Portrait has never been easier with G1”, was fully highlighted throughout those activities.

Facebook Valentines’ Day Campaign from Feb. 6th to 14th
The FB campaign was on in Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, Egypt and BenQ Club fan pages. Total 11K+ new fans and 33K+ interaction were earned in merely 9 days, while Indonesia got the best performance among all pages – 4,580 new fans and 22% growth rate comparing to January.

Nice review and sales promotion in Thailand
BenQ Thailand got some nice reviews from major camera website “” and “”.  The convenience of self portrait by swivel panel was highlighted in both articles, and also presented a video recorded by G1, which also shows how a mother used G1 to take portrait photo with her lovely kid to record every beautiful moments.

Visit here to read the full G1 review article of Klogndigital:

Watch the demonstration video

Also, BenQ Thailand cooperated with “Digital 2 Home” to conduct a promotional event inviting more visitors to experience BenQ G1 and push for sales.

Facebook contest and sales promotion in Indonesia
Indonesia also arranged a contest on FB page to invite fans to write a comment about “If I have a G1 swivel camera…”, the contest was on from Jan. 28th Jan to Feb. 10th, and we received over 50 comments from fans. Moreover, we offered a promotional program and provided exclusive gift (BenQ DSC T-shirt) to our fans only.

BenQ參加韓國電競活動 (RL2450H and XL-series exposure in Korea)


BenQ Korea seizes every chance to present our gaming monitors to gamers. On Feb. 2nd, BenQ Korea participated in 2 gaming events, one is LOL final match stadium and the other is FPS “WARFACE” user conference.

(1) LOL final match stadium: It attracted over 7000 spectators to root for Azubu Frost and Najin Sword. Finally, the championship went to Najin Sword. Besides booth display, 12 units of RL2450H were given for stage competition.

(2) FPS “WARFACE” user conference: The gamer publisher, Nexon, is going to launch FPS game “WARFACE” in Korea. In order to have good start in Korea market, Nexon invited 200 VIP gamers who tested beta version to attend a pre-launch conference and shared them more background about “WARFACE”. BenQ Korea got a chance to showcase and demonstrate how good XL-series is for FPS game.

BenQ阿拉伯網咖巡迴之旅 (Top Challenger Series” Gaming Café Tour in UAE)

BenQ在阿拉伯網咖展開名為Top Challenger Series的競賽,「Elite Killers」的選手們體驗BenQ XL2420T,玩家都對BenQ電競顯示器的表現感到驚艷。

BenQ Middle East conducted a gaming café tour named “Top Challenger Series” in UAE. The team “Elite Killers” received BenQ XL2420T and carried their gaming gears to compete with players in selected gaming cafés. BenQ branding materials were set up at the gaming cafés to maximize the brand exposure and strengthen gamers’ favorable attitudes towards BenQ gaming monitors. The tour continues till mid-March.

BenQ 參加土耳其教育市場投影機座談活動 (BenQ Turkey joined 3D@School project to develop education market )

BenQ Turkey參加教育市場投影機座談會,會中我們和通路夥伴共同展示BenQ的3D教育應用。

BenQ Turkey works hard to develop education projector market. From, Feb. 7th to 9th, they joined “Private Schools Education Symposium” event, and proactively cooperate with partners to run “3D@School” project.

Private Schools Education Symposium 
BenQ Turkey cooperated with our partner, Legamater to demonstrated MW851UST, MP514 with their IWB, and also showcased W1080ST.  BenQ Turkey reached around 500 potential target users and got feedbacks via this event. The 3D@School concept and packages were also introduced at the meeting to school faculty.

3D@School Project 
The main conductor is “3D@School”, a Turkish company of 3D software provider and the original name is “Okulda3D”. BenQ Turkey has cooked this project from Ihlas DLP seminar last April and has got the positive feedback on Brand exposure and sales in this year. Some successful cases have been shared on Facebook, e.g. Doga College and Okan College

In this project, 3D@School target at 4,578 private schools in Turkey, and plan school road shows to showcase how 3D content help students on learning and even increase their scores. BenQ MX613/MX618ST is tie to this project to provide short-throw projection solution. 

BenQ參加泰國BAV高端影音展 (BenQ Thailand joined BAV Hi-End Show)


From Jan.31st to Feb.3rd, BenQ Thailand joined BAV Hi-End Show at Landmark Hotel, Bangkok, and demonstrated a full lineup of BenQ home projectors to continually strengthen BenQ brand among the target consumers. Around 6,000 people participated in the event and visitors.

BenQ W1070韓國使用者心得分享 (Successful W1070 user’s review exposure in Korea)

BenQ在韓國邀約重度使用者分享W1070投影機使用心得,在四周的體驗當中,28位使用者大力稱讚BenQ W1070的3D、短焦等五個功能。

BenQ Korea conducted a successful user review campaign of W1070 on DVD Prime (AV forum). 30 people who had bought W1070 were invited to write product review, with a reward of 3D glasses for each article. The participants were requested to post their articles about W1070 installation and demonstration pictures on AV forum. From this event, we got 28 reviews which resulted in more than 39K Views in 4-week’s time.
Below 5 features are appreciated by users and please visit here to see W1070 review articles on AV forum
Good image quality and 3D display
Short distance compare with others
Small & light design
Vertical lens shift
Competitive price among home projectors

The most viewed review article was released on Feb. 22nd and got 2,761 Views in 2-week’s time! The user used 120” screen and his 3D glasses to compare W1070 with his previous Optoma projector. Thanks to W1070's short throw distance, now he can move the screen from outside balcony back to living room and enjoy movie sitting on the sofa. The image quality is much better with W1070, which enables him to watch the fantastic 3D move with blu-ray.

BenQ在杜拜舉行家用投影機體驗會 (Video Projector Experience Event in Dubai)

BenQ Middle East held a video projector experience event in Dubai on Feb. 12th. The event was in Raffles Hotel and separated into two sections, one for media and the other for BenQ channel partners. There were 27 people from 18 unique media and 21 people from 16 unique channel partners. Besides a formal introduction on BenQ Corporate, and video projectors, BenQ Middle East set up 4 scenario live demonstration to let the participants know how BenQ video projector bring enjoyment to their homes.

BenQ W1080ST投影機在澳洲上電視了 (W1080ST on Cybershack TV in Australia)

BenQ W1080ST投影機在澳洲登上Cybershack TV頻道的電子產品介紹節目,在節目中介紹了BenQ投影機的高畫質大畫面以及3D投影,並且特別指出了BenQ投影機的短焦優勢。

BenQ Australia got a nice exposure of W1080ST online on Cybershack TV. CyberShack TV is one of the top gadgets and technology media programs in Australia and offers consumers a one-stop-shop for the most current information in the tech space. In this 100 seconds video, the MC introduced BenQ W1080ST as an alternative large display of full HD with 3D image & cost effective, and then conducted an interview with BenQ Australia PM, Andrew Lambkin. Andrew mentioned product features in high resolution, high brightness, high brightness, high contrast and rich connectivity. Furthermore, he highlighted the short-throw function of W1080ST. Then give the clear information of the price and where to buy.

BenQ投影機在馬來西亞獲獎 (Projector Awards from India and Malaysia)

BenQ獲得馬來西亞Computer Active雜誌評選為「最佳投影機製造商」,這個獎項綜合了銷售、服務、產品功能的分數,獲得投影機領先品牌的美譽,同時,GP10也在HardWareMazagine獲獎。

BenQ has been given “Best Projector Manufacturer” by Computer Active Magazine. The award is to recognize the best player in sales, service and product offering in a particular product line in a financial year, BenQ has been recognized the leading player in all the three aspects for projector.

Another projector award is from HardWareMazagine Malaysia. GP10 has received “Silver award” for producing great quality images while being portable at the same time.

BenQ顯示器及投影機產品日本BCN獎項 (LCD monitor and projector win the BCN Award 2013 in Japan)


Good news from Japan! BenQ Japan won BCN Award 2013 since BenQ achieved No. 2 on BCN website for both projector and LCD monitor in 2012. BCN is a reliable website to collect retail sales data for IT/CE products in Japan. With its data support, we can see BenQ is recognized as a popular IT brand in Japan.

BenQ 在泰國和零售商一起展翅高飛 (“Fly High with BenQ” Dealer Seminar in Thailand)

為向所有零售商介紹今年度新的合作夥伴們,BenQ Thiland舉辦零售商會議,共有130位夥伴共同參加,會中分享BenQ最新的LCD、DSC、投影機、QisDesign產品。

To introduce BenQ’s new technologies and offering, also enhance partner relationship, BenQ Thailand conducted a national dealer seminar on Mar.1st and 2nd.  Over 130 guests participated this annual kick-off event, which included a complete product full lineup demonstration and a nice rewarding dinner.

At the conference, BenQ business directions in Asia Pacific and Thailand were updated, while product and technology roadmap and introduction were given. All the participants were arranged with an in-depth product tour, including projectors demonstration with “Home Entertainment”, “WXGA and Wireless”, and “Lamp Free” zones as well as the “Interactive/Education” area where we cooperated with our SI partner. In LCD monitor and DSC sections, full lineup of gaming series, VA Panel, cloud monitor, GH-series and G1 were demonstrated. Besides, new products from LED lighting, QisDesign and BenQ material were also showcased to seek for future business opportunities.

Thail TV Channel 5, Click IT program sent the journalist to interview Pattakorn, the general manager of BenQ Thailand during the event. The 1-minute scoop was on-air on Saturday, Mar 9th, talking about the objectives of dealer seminar, BenQ product highlights and business directions of BQ Thailand in 2013.

我的生活,我的BenQ—國際合作夥伴會議在印度 (“My Life My BenQ” National Partner Meet in India)

2/20-2/21,BQin在Gurgaon, Haryana舉辦了2013年度的合夥人會議。不論是會議、歡迎晚宴,還是產品展示秀,本次活動主題「我的生活,我的BenQ」,完美地連貫了每一個活動,成功地展現出BenQ無所不在地存在於每個人的生活中。



On the 20th and 21st of Feb., BenQ India conducted 2013 National Partner Meet in Gurgaon, Haryana. The event theme, “My Life My BenQ” was fully applied no matter in conference, gala dinner and product demonstration, indicating BenQ in every part of your life.

This time we specially invited KY to talk about BenQ Group and also met with a few key retail partners and educational system integrators. A special “Hands of Buddha” dance was performed to welcome KY’s presence and speech, followed by Adrian’s update on BenQ Asia Pacific and Rajeev’s 2013 directions in India. Individual product strategies and roadmap were also presented with TI’s endorsement on BenQ, the leading DLP projector brand.

To further elaborate BenQ products are made for various use,rs’ scenarios in daily life, the MC talked about how BenQ products fit into people’s life, followed by a short video playback and on-stage show. Besides, we gave awards to our value partners for their contribution to BenQ business. All the participants had a joyful and wonderful night together with BenQ.

Product showcase was another attraction, BenQ India arranged a guided tour to visit 4 breakout rooms. Partners experienced versatile BenQ solutions and cutting-edge products at home, gaming, education and office environment.

2013年3月13日 星期三

BenQ Solar參加日本國際太陽能光電展 (PV EXPO 2013 post show introduction)

去年以嶄新品牌面貌展出的友達光電太陽能品牌BenQ Solar,今年再度參加日本最大及全球極具代表性的第六屆日本國際太陽能光電展(PV EXPO 2013, Feb. 27~Mar. 1)。於會展中展出了多樣化單晶及多晶的高效率太陽能模組解決方案,展出產品皆通過日本市場最關注的PID FREE信賴性測試、鹽霧測試及日本當地JET、JPEC認證,成功吸引參訪者的興趣。另外,去年底剛完工的台灣澎湖東吉嶼的複合型微電網案例也引起不少參訪者的詢問。本次展會BenQ Solar不僅再次以獨特的品牌識別,紫白色調與蝴蝶羽翼圖騰的攤位設計,傳達一致且優質的品牌形象,更掌握與當地的住宅建設業者、太陽能系統設置業者等跨界交流的機會,爭取更多潛在的合作商機!

BenQ Solar, a division of AU Optronics, participated in the 6th PV EXPO Japan held in Tokyo during Feb.27th~Mar. 1st, 2013 for the second time since launching its brand. In this Japan’s largest and one of the world’s leading PV tradeshows, BenQ Solar showcased high-efficiency and diversified solar solutions, including multi and mono-crystalline PV modules with certified PID-free performance. All exhibited products have been certified by JET, JPEC, and have passed salt-mist corrosion tests. In addition, the highly integrated mini-grid solution at Dongji isle, Taiwan also attracted a great deal of attentions from visitors. During the expo, BenQ Solar not only delivered its premium image with its unique brand identity, purple tone and butterfly patterns, but also met with many local partners, including house builders and solar system installers for potential business opportunities.

明基三豐收購怡安醫材,擴大市場版圖 (BenQ Medical Technology acquires Lily Medical to enrich the products portfolios)


BenQ Medical Technology acquires 100% stock shares of Lily Medical, extends the business activities into the Research and Development, Design and Manufacture of disposable products. The acquisition expands BenQ Medical Technology’s product ranges from medical device to consumables which complete its product portfolios to the customers. With this advantage, it establishes a good foundation for future business.

BenQ台灣區 邀您親臨鑑賞BenQ投影機大畫面! (BenQ Taiwan invites you to enjoy the expansive views from its projectors first-hand)

BenQ GP10「家的投影機」與W107家庭劇院三坪機自上市便備受好評,為了持續推升BenQ投影機於目標族群的認知度,繼先前數場所舉辦的體驗會後,特於信義商圈選擇新光三越信義法雅客建置「BenQ視廳體驗專區」,長達一個月的展示體驗期間,讓投影機的潛在消費者能夠實際體驗,感受GP10與W1070帶來的影音饗宴,同時也藉此曝光機會讓更多消費者心中烙印BenQ投影機的品牌形象以及增強BenQ與投影機的高度關聯性。歡迎大家一起來體驗GP10家的投影機以及W1070三坪機帶來的精彩表現!

The BenQ GP10 Ultra-Lite LED home projector and W107 home theater projector for small living spaces have garnered praise ever since they were first introduced. In order to continue raising awareness of BenQ projectors within target groups, BenQ Taiwan is following up on the hands-on events it organized previously by setting up the “BenQ Multimedia Experience Zone” at the branch of 3C superstore Fnac in Taipei’s Xinyi shopping district. For a full month, this display area is giving potential projector customers a chance to experience in person the incredible audiovisual experience that the GP10 and W1070 can offer. At the same time, BenQ Taiwan is taking advantage of the exposure provided by the event to reinforce the BenQ projector brand image in the minds of more consumers, and strengthen the association between BenQ and projectors. BenQ Taiwan welcomes everyone to come and experience the exciting performance of the GP10 and W1070 projectors in person.

BenQ狂賀WBC中華隊晉級八強 大型液晶RV系列加碼獎不完 (BenQ offers congratulations to the Chinese Taipei team as it reaches round of eight at the World Baseball Classic)

第3屆世界棒球經典賽WBC首輪預賽,中華健兒表現亮眼,一舉挺進八強賽事!BenQ祝賀中華隊晉級,「WBC為中華隊加油」活動贈品升級並再推出「決賽加碼好康獎不完!」。凡購買BenQ RV系列指定機種贈品加碼送,從32G直接升級送64G隨身碟。BenQ為中華隊加油、與全民同樂!

In the qualifying phase of the third World Baseball Classic (WBC), the Chinese Taipei team performed exceptionally, gaining admission to the round of eight. BenQ offered congratulations on the team’s accomplishment, announcing an upgrade to its giveaway offer, along with an accompanying promotional campaign. Purchase of a designated BenQ RV series monitors entitled buyers to a free 64GB flash drive, up from the previous 32GB. BenQ cheered on the Chinese Taipei team, along with the public.

一起看WBC棒球賽,為中華隊加油! BenQ 黑湛屏大型液晶RV系列 65吋超大尺寸感受如臨現場的刺激 (Watching the World Baseball Classic on BenQ’s large-screen VA LCD-based RV series)

BenQ「為WBC中華隊加油」系列活動,首波活動自3月1日起至3月31日,只要購買BenQ RV系列65RV6600、50RV6500兩款指定機種並至BenQ官網登錄、及完成產品推薦,即可獲贈32G隨身碟乙支(市價899元),搭配RV系列的PVR錄影功能,可於數位頻道進行即時或預約錄影,讓你掌握每一場賽事,精彩好球片刻不漏接!

BenQ’s “Cheer on the Chinese Taipei WBC team” events commenced with a sales promotion running throughout the month of March. Anyone who purchases a BenQ RV series 65RV6600 or 50RV6500 model, then registers on BenQ’s official website and completes a product recommendation, receives a 32GB flash drive (retail price, NTD899). With the RV series’ PVR recording feature, you can enjoy real-time or pre-scheduled recording of digital programming, so you can watch every WBC game, and never miss an exciting play.

BenQ開學季 蛇麼都All Pass 台灣業務區行銷活動 (BenQ Taiwan launches back-to-school marketing campaign )

BenQ為照顧莘莘學子,特別推出「BenQ開學季--蛇麼都All 趴(Pass)」活動,你的生活消費,BenQ為你買單。凡於活動期間(2013/2/28~2013/4/30)於BenQ全省銷售通路購買BenQ 智慧大型液晶、VA液晶顯示器、行動投影機與自拍相機等指定商品,各項優惠活動熱烈展開。想趁開學季採購最厲害3C 產品的同學們千萬不要錯過!

Timed to correspond with the start of the spring semester, BenQ launched a new marketing campaign with a student-oriented theme. During the campaign, running from 28 February to 30 April, purchase of designated BenQ products—like a BenQ Smart TV, VA LCD monitor, pocket projector, or self-portrait camera—at any sales outlet in Taiwan entitled buyers to special discounts. For students wishing to take advantage of the start of the new semester to buy the best 3C products, this was a promotion not to be missed.

明基幸福雲•觸屏新品發佈會暨《愛•相見》微電影中國地區公開首映 (BenQ short film to promote new touch-screen products makes public debut in China)

3月12日下午,國內數十家知名媒體受邀參加《愛•相見》微電影公開首映會。因其劇情安排與內容鋪陳的角度令人耳目一新,網上試映短短數日,便已引起不少網友熱議。當與會人士還在玩味BenQ為何提出「幸福•一觸可及」這一耐人尋味的主張之際,明基全球首發的新品「幸福雲•觸屏」 的閃亮登場,帶來了現場解答。

On the afternoon of 12 March, several of China’s best-known media outlets were invited to attend the public premiere of a special short film from BenQ. Owing to the film’s novel narrative structure and presentation, it had already elicited considerable discussion during the few short days that previews had been available online. Just as people were wondering about the meaning behind BenQ’s intriguing slogan, “Happiness—a touch away”, the global debut of BenQ’s new CT2200 touch-screen monitor arrived, providing all the answers in brilliant fashion.

「華南之星」BenQ China Top店面&sales評選結果公佈 (BenQ China announces top retail outlet and sales awards)

從2012年末尾一轉眼進入了2013年,來個華麗的轉身吧!BenQ China華南業務區加盟店在形象和銷量上作出了不懈的努力,感謝大家的支持與配合,希望各個店面在2013年會有更好的銷量!2012年11月20日至2013年1月20日BenQ DIY加盟店「華南之星」 Top店面&sales評選重磅來襲!經過激烈角逐和店面得分資訊的收集,本次「華南之星」Top店面&sales評選獲獎店面終於華麗誕生。四家位於廣東及一家位於廣西的店面榮獲前五名。

BenQ China’s southern sales region franchisees have worked tirelessly to enhance their image and sales volumes, and we thank everyone for their support and cooperation, while hoping that each franchisee will be able to achieve even greater sales volumes in 2013. From 20 November 2012 to 20 January 2013, the evaluation process for BenQ franchisee “star of southern China” top store and sales awards took place. After intense competition and collection of data on retail outlets, the winners of this edition of the “star of southern China” awards were finally announced, with four stores located in Guangdong and one in Guangxi taking the top five positions.

BenQ投影機、顯示器及鍵鼠產品加入中國京東(電商)春雷行動 (BenQ projectors, monitors, and keyboard/mouse sets included in 360buy’s spring sales promotion)

國內最大的電商之一京東在三月舉行了一場針對數碼類產品的大型促銷活動,命名為「春雷行動」,明基投影機、顯示器及鍵鼠等產品有幸被邀請加入,也在讓更多的消費者瞭解明基品牌在各產品的實力,並藉以此合作關係,在後期與京東的合作做好良好的基礎。, one of China’s largest online electronics shopping sites, launched a major sales promotion on digital products during March. Called “Spring Thunder”, the promotion featured BenQ projectors, monitors, and keyboard/mouse sets. Through the promotion, more consumers gained a sense of the BenQ brand’s strength in various product categories. This joint effort with 360buy established an excellent foundation for future collaborations.

明基幸福雲觸屏BenQ China minisite上線 (BenQ China mini-site for touchscreen monitor goes online)


To complement the launch of BenQ’s touchscreen monitor, BenQ not only used a short film to draw consumer attention at an emotional level, but also set up a themed mini-site, where the product’s features are scrutinized one-by-one from a rational perspective. The mini-site enables consumers to understand the product’s various features after viewing the film, with the official debut of the mini-site timed to correspond with that of the film.

BenQ China幸福雲觸屏微電影《愛 相見》點擊超13.1萬次 (BenQ China’s short film for the CT2200 reaches 131,000 views)


The CT2200 touch-screen monitor is a landmark product for BenQ, and so we invested in making a short film, currently the hottest marketing format in China. The film sensitively portrays the tender familial emotions that every person carries in his or her heart, introducing the new BenQ monitor via a moving story for consumers. The film has already been viewed 131,000 times.

河南鄭州三八節百腦匯BenQ產品店頭熱賣 (BenQ products hot sellers in major 3C retailer’s Women’s Day sale)

3月8日婦女節,為女性同胞設立的節日,河南鄭州百腦匯在3月9日舉辦「女人我最大系列」活動,拉動年後第一場節日消費,通過「女人我最大 IT產品3.8折」這個噱頭做到推動消費,BenQ聯合百腦匯做此次活動,推廣品牌、提升銷量,賺店面人氣!

8 March is Women’s Day, and to commemorate the day, 3C retailer Buynow held a sale the very next day at its branch in the city of Zhengzhou. Taking advantage of the first holiday after the Chinese New Year’s, the sale drew customers with steep discounts. BenQ partnered with Buynow for the event, promoting the brand, increasing sales, and earning popularity at the retail level.