2013年2月20日 星期三

BenQ顯示器深圳Dota邀請賽 (BenQ holds gaming tournament in Shenzhen featuring its gaming monitors)

2013年1月13號,在深圳華強北京仕電腦大賣場明基遊戲顯示器體驗區舉辦了一場「明基顯示器 Dota邀請賽」,深圳高校電競圈內的高手雲集,展開一場激烈的對決,精彩的賽事吸引了很多顧客駐足欣賞圍觀,為賣場帶來更旺的人氣! 通過此次活動,在深圳高校電競圈內宣傳了京仕大賣場明基遊戲顯示器體驗區,為年後長期賽事進行前期的宣傳。通過DM單的發放,也讓其他人知道京仕大賣場以及明基遊戲顯示器體驗區,為二級代理商帶來人氣。

On 13 January, BenQ held a gaming tournament in the hands-on area for BenQ gaming monitors at a large computer retailer in Shenzhen, China. A large number of expert players from the Shenzhen high school gaming circles participated, leading to fiercely contested matches. The competition drew the attention of many customers, who gathered as spectators to view the action. Through the event, the BenQ gaming monitor hands-on area gained publicity among high school gamers, as did competitions that will be held there in the future. Distribution of flyers enabled other people to know about the gaming community that thrives in Shenzhen high schools, and to gain awareness of BenQ’s gaming monitor hands-on area, providing a boost to second-tier distributors.

