2013年2月27日 星期三
明基幸福雲觸屏微電影BenQ China感動播出 (BenQ China posts touching short film online)
BenQ China運用新媒體行銷模式,2/25在網路上推出「明基幸福雲觸屏」的微電影,用父母、子女之間的親情在網路上造成廣大迴響,也挑起了中國網友對新產品明基幸福雲觸屏的期待與好奇心!
BenQ China is drawing on new social media-based marketing approaches with its posting of a short film online. The video tells the story of a family, and the touching narrative has generated a broad response, while building anticipation for and curiosity about BenQ’s new touchscreen monitor.
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