2013年2月20日 星期三
BenQ China顯示器產品經理陳偉強做客天極網,聊「明基大螢幕不閃技術解析」 (BenQ China monitor product manager visits Tianji Media Group to talk about BenQ’s flicker-free technology for large-screen monitors)
儘管2012年整年與天極的顯示器合作並不多,但是天極還是一直做著積極配合,不管是新聞稿發佈還是產品評測都比較及時,也都給了不錯的推廣位置,對於年底的這次PM專訪,天極也是積極配合認真準備,通過跟Vito對不閃屏的深入的溝通,後續的GW2760HS評測編輯利用真實對比充分解析了產品優勢;專訪同樣對明年的產品情況作了簡單介紹,讓網友對BenQ 顯示器充滿期待。
Though BenQ did not collaborate with Tianji Media Group, owner of the popular IT-themed Yesky.com website, on promotional campaigns for monitors during 2012, the Group continued to actively coordinate with BenQ, publishing news releases and product reviews in a timely manner, as well as recommending BenQ products and giving them favorable rankings. For the interview of BenQ’s monitor PM Vito Chen late last year, the Group prepared assiduously and worked closely with us. A thorough discussion with Vito about flicker-free screens took place, and a follow-on review of the GW2760HS highlighted true contrast ratio in its analysis of the product’s strengths. The interview also included an overview of BenQ’s product plans for the upcoming year, rousing consumer anticipation for BenQ’s monitors.
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