2013年2月20日 星期三

BenQ參加河南珠峰互聯網吧連鎖年會 (BenQ takes part in Internet cafe chain’s annual meeting)


The “Mount Everest” Net Cafe chain was the first branded enterprise in China’s Henan province to acquire the know-how to operate a franchised business based on online services. Its main businesses include running a chain of Internet cafes, integrating resources, licensing franchisees, providing support services, and offering online games. The company has already become Henan’s largest operator of Internet cafes, with around 40 branches located throughout the province. Following up on the Internet cafe conference it held in the city of Pingdingshan last 8 December, BenQ took part in Mount Everest’s annual meeting on 9 January. Around 100 cafe owners were on hand for BenQ’s briefing on regionalized Internet cafe operation. The event was a terrific opportunity to promote our large-screen monitors, gaming-focused models, and bundles.

