《Media it》於十二月專訪Adrian,暢談BenQ品牌未來在韓國市場的策略,談到我們將會持續瞄準大尺寸及寬螢幕顯示器的行動,並延續開發電競顯示器的佳績,繼續尋找獨特的特色滿足消費者。
In December, the Korean popular online medium “Media it” visited BenQ HQ and did a thorough interview with Adrian. We had a great time in this one-hour interview, Adrian also talked about the brand and LCD monitor strategy in Korean market. In recent years, BenQ kept endeavoring in large-size display market with globally success of 24”W models. BenQ is now the market leader in Japan and Australia. In the future, BenQ will continue conveying the unique features of BenQ Gaming monitors to prosumers, including gamers and designers in Korea.